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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You'll be OK Phil. These things run in cycles.

Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
I guess you should be happy its still a relatively full roll your dealing with. :smiley_bril:

Amen to that brother. You are absolutely right. All you have to do is look around sometimes. Suddenly, life seems pretty okay. Every now and then I have one of those moments though where I just want to kick the shit outta something. lol


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Amen to that brother. You are absolutely right. All you have to do is look around sometimes. Suddenly, life seems pretty okay. Every now and then I have one of those moments though where I just want to kick the shit outta something. lol

Seems like on a monthly basis Phil...... You're showing a pattern..... rotflmao :smiley_coolpeace:


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
The one you have now Ryan????

Yup, I think it was starting with the '04 they mounted the harness connector on a torsion bar/cross member (I forget exactly what) and it would pool water and over time get destroyed.

I filled up with gas one day last year, went to leave and sum bitch wouldn't go.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Why is it that fuel pumps always seem too stop working after you fill them up? Every fuel pump I've changed on my vehicles over the years (the ones in the tank) have gone bad right after they are filled up???


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Why is it that fuel pumps always seem too stop working after you fill them up? Every fuel pump I've changed on my vehicles over the years (the ones in the tank) have gone bad right after they are filled up???

Isn't that the truth.
Ok the last week has been full of downs and a few ups, well it all started last Monday, the ex txt me and says call me its important, so I did, my daughter has been arrested on aggravated robbery and possible homicide, Wtf!!!!! Go to court last tues and attorney says she could be facing 25 to life Wtf she is 17 so it has been a rough week, power steering pump decided to grenade along with the heater control switch last Friday, lucky I have lots of jeep friends with spare parts and got everything replaced, get a call this past Monday from her attorney, the judge dropped all charges on her! I'm so relieved, and now we have the coming to Jesus meeting, from the lowest low to the weight being lifted, my Christmas will be blessed, thank you god!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Ok the last week has been full of downs and a few ups, well it all started last Monday, the ex txt me and says call me its important, so I did, my daughter has been arrested on aggravated robbery and possible homicide, Wtf!!!!! Go to court last tues and attorney says she could be facing 25 to life Wtf she is 17 so it has been a rough week, power steering pump decided to grenade along with the heater control switch last Friday, lucky I have lots of jeep friends with spare parts and got everything replaced, get a call this past Monday from her attorney, the judge dropped all charges on her! I'm so relieved, and now we have the coming to Jesus meeting, from the lowest low to the weight being lifted, my Christmas will be blessed, thank you god!!!

WOW! Glad to hear all seems better. That is one of those things that just stick with ya even when they do go away! Keep your Faith Customizer...... Hope all stay's well for you and yours.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Ok the last week has been full of downs and a few ups, well it all started last Monday, the ex txt me and says call me its important, so I did, my daughter has been arrested on aggravated robbery and possible homicide, Wtf!!!!! Go to court last tues and attorney says she could be facing 25 to life Wtf she is 17 so it has been a rough week, power steering pump decided to grenade along with the heater control switch last Friday, lucky I have lots of jeep friends with spare parts and got everything replaced, get a call this past Monday from her attorney, the judge dropped all charges on her! I'm so relieved, and now we have the coming to Jesus meeting, from the lowest low to the weight being lifted, my Christmas will be blessed, thank you god!!!

Holly shit how does it go from 25 too life too no problem???? I'd take the exploding car parts all day over that friggin news..... I know all too well about come too Jesus meetings with daughters.... Seems too be a theme anymore....
Yeah I have no clue, she has never been in trouble, but her ex friends on the other hand have records, it was all over the news, I'm just glad things worked out and she won't be a hardened criminal, scarey shit


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
That is crazy man, glad it all worked out for the better! Hopefully this was enough to scare her straight (or keep her away from the wrong people).


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Holy cow. I don't know what to say to that one. I am glad the charges were reduced to nothing. That would have destroyed a life. Not sure how you could ever come out of that.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
This does not normally happen, just wondering if anyone else does this, lol. 2:00 A.M. I wake up and have to take a dump, so I make my way to the craper and as I sit there I keep my eyes closed thinking it will make me fall back to sleep faster then if I kept them open, lol. No scientific proof it works one way or the other. :smiley_confused_vra

I am sure Dannmann can advise.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Probably a prosecutor trying to pressure her for more info. Glad it's working out. Hopefully it put the fear of God into her and she finds some new friends.

When kids are little you have little worries when kids are big you have big worries.