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TOO 2010-2011 Daily Hunting Log


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Whatta dreadfully slow morning! One lost small 8pt, 3 turkeys, and plenty of squirrels. Still sitting though. Can't kill them at home splitting firewood which is plan b.

Good luck was going out this mornin and went to bed last night and thought the alarm was set.... Wondered why daylight was coming in the window when I got up???? Oh well needed my sleep in lol.... :smiley_chick:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I've been having the same problem only I set the alarm and turn it off. I'll be out tonight for sure, I can only hunt evenings on the weekends.

Well my problem was I looked at it and it was on and I thought it was off and I did the stupid thing of not putting my glasses on and really see it lol.... Damn old age glass wearing thing kicking my butt... Oh well the wife and I had a good morning and waffles to boot....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, maybe I should tell you about the rest of the "hunt" now. Get out of the woods to the truck. Needed to get Hank out of his kennel and help a friend look for his doe. I drop the tailgate of my truck and unload what I can. Change everything but my boots and pants and walk behind their barn to change out of the rest of my hunting gear. Sit down on some old bricks stacked up and out of the woods run two does. Not massive, but average size and good eating I am sure. They trot along the back of the barn through the property owner's yard and stop broadside at 30-35yds to look at me. Pause a few seconds and trot down the lane. Bitches! I think the one even stuck her tongue out at me. I truly believe they are bedding up close to the house and barns as these people really don't want me to hunt up by the house. Between this and the other human traffic (trespassers) running through there, I believe they are becoming quite nocturnal right now. Temperatures are part of it too I am sure. Frustrating. Talk to my buddy who hunted the other farm. Was hoping to get Garrett (my 6yr old) in the ground blind there tonight but he was not having it and I didn't want to force him. Fell asleep. Talked to my buddy tonight and he watched an 8pt that was 24" wide move just outside his comfort zone, but passed by the blind at under 20yds broadside. Geeesh. Wish I was in the blind with Garrett. That "would" have been a great moment with him. Oh well. That's hunting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well I logged 4 different sits while on a weekend getaway to southern Ohio.

First sit was Friday night. Beautiful night but got skunked. Saturday morning sat a different property and only saw one small buck. Went back to that property after lunch and got in the stand and just got my bow up to see a guy 100 yds. off on the neighboring property winching a nice 8 pointer up out of the woods. Decided to go to a different property, and saw a small buck right at end of legal shooting light. Sat again Sunday morning in the same spot that I sat the evening before to only see one small buck again. Was unbelievably slow over the whole weekend. I think that the warm weather we had over the past week and weekend just really screwed with them.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Supposed to start raining any time now. I am finishing lunch, showering up, and going hunting. We have an ENE turning NE wind right now. Haven't hunted one section or entered it in several months. This wind allows me access. I am going in there today. It is an area we think the big boy is hanging out. Hopefully the rain has him moving. Otherwise he has only been seen at last light from a distance. Wish me luck.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Two more days of work, then I will get to spend a week in the woods. Maybe this time I will have something to share with you guys TOO!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wet, windy, and cold once the rain soaked through. Oh well. Learned a bit of info which may prove to be the info I need for the morning! Will keep you posted. If my info/game plan work out, I am going to be a happy camper in the morning. If not, oh well, that's hunting.
scared the hell out of my neighbor , had a big 8 and 3 does walk throug hthe yard this morning , so like the redneck i am , i played christmas story with the 12 gauge , poked it out the window follwed him to 50 yards and yelled bang , deer kinda looked at me like i was retarded , bt sure scared the hell out of the neighbor that was raking leaves


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I met up with Dante late this morning and hung one of my stands back up near a drainage. We decide to go and look for another spot for him to setup as well a little further into the woods. We found some great sign and Dante seen plenty of deer on their feet today including one of the big fellas chasing close behind a doe. He stayed out of range of the bow for now anyway but Dante was excited none the less. In all he seen 9 deer today and for our area that is awesome in a days hunt.

I have high hopes for tomorrow after looking around today and the encounters that was had is very encouraging. Dante is going to take his daughter in the morning with the muzzy and I hope she bags one. I have Cap't coming back tomorrow afternoon to have another hunt with us as well so it should be an exciting and fun time to have all of them out and ready to tag one with me :D.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well Got to hunt Thurs. night and last night. Thurs day night I saw a total of 6 deer. Met a small buck that was missing half his rack in the field on the way to the stand. Saw a doe with her two yearlings skirt me and then saw two bucks cross the pasture away from me. Went back to the same property last night. Didn't see near the amount of deer, but had a way more eventful night. Even though the series of events didn't have the outcome that I would have chosen.

Nothing was happening till about 5 after 5. To the west of me I heard a loud crack and then some running. Looked and saw a doe running away from me to the west. Didn't make sense at first but then I remembered while scouting this property there is a stand right where I heard the crack come from and it is right on the property line and facing the corner that I am setup in. After a couple minutes I notice the doe working her way back towards me and I am liking what I am seeing because I still have a antlerless permit to fill before gun season hits. She is till acting flighty and keeps looking over in the direction of that stand. All of a sudden I hear this guy start coughing and hacking :smiley_armscrossed: Well the doe decided she didn't want any more of the area and took off high tailing it back where she came from. I look over and here the guy had gotten down out of his stand to get his arrow and didn't see the doe coming back in till it was to late and hacking his head off. He got back into his stand and the woods started to settle back down.

I figured I would not see anything else the rest of the night but I was not moving as I wasn't sure weather or not the other hunter knew I was there. Right about 5:30 I look to my right out into the field and about 50 yards away is coming a very nice eight pointer. He is headed right into the corner of the woods that I am sitting in. With it being crunch time and all I made the quick decisio to take him. Got my bow and got ready to draw. It happened so fast that I didn't have time to pull down my face mask some like I usually do to make sure I am anchored correctly. He stepped into sight of my peep. He was only 15 to 20 at max and I had the first three pins settled in on him. I let the arrow fly and hear the hollow thump of the arrow hitting the deer. He mule kicks and takes off running. He goes for about 50-60 yrds. into the woods. Stops for a moment and then takes off running again for another 10-15 yrds and stopped again (or so I thought). I never heard a crash but his body language that I saw was indicating a good shot. Waited a good 45 minutes before getting down and searching for my blood soaked arrow. This is where everything starts getting screwy. I could not find any sign what so ever of me hitting this deer. There was no arrow, no blood, and no hair anywhere around where this deer was standing.

I called the wife and my good buddy Capt. Ernie who I knew was on his way home from college to see if he was interested in helping track this deer. Well by the time every one got to the property it was about 9:45. We started tracking and didn't find any sign of this deer being shot until about 50 yrds. into the woods, which is where he stopped and stood for a few seconds. This spot is also a few yards from the property line. The blood we found was a good color, nice and bright red, which we took as a positive sign. For the next couple hours the only blood we found was about twenty yards further than when we originally found the first sign. No hide nor hair of this deer.

It is apparently clear that it was not as good of a shot as I originally thought. It had to of came in high and not exited, which we all know makes for a piss poor blood trail. I will not be back this morning to look as I know there are 3 stands within a few hundred yards of my setup and am anticipating on them being full of other hunters. At this point am I am writing this one off as a not so fun learning experience. :smiley_confused_vra

I would like to thank Capt. for coming out after a long drive from PA to tromp around in the woods for very little excitement. The help even though in vain is greatly appreciated. I would also like to thank my wife Becky and son Austin who came out to walk around in the woods at night.

Going back out this morning but to a different property. Hope the results are better than last night.


Senior Member
No problem man, just wish it had a better ending. It was good to see you and the fam. I thought we were going to be good but that's how it goes. Thanks for giving me a call, I need the tracking experience.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well I decided to go out this morning. Sat at a different property from last night. Sat till about 8:30 and decided I owed it to the buck to go back and do some tracking during the day light. I am glad I did. Not because I found the deer but because of the relationship that is developing. I followed the blood right to the property line. So I went to the property owners house and asked for permission to track. It turns out he was the one in the stand the night before that missed the doe. He fired up his tractor and spent the next 5 hours taking me all over the woods trying to find the deer. Unfortunately we never found anything. He took me into his house and showed me some of the deer that he has taken from the property and they are very nice to say the least. He also showed me some trail cam pics he had of the buck I shot. He was nice enough to email them to me. He has lived and hunted there for 16 years so he knows the land and where they travel. I see a great relationship developing here as we have many things in common. I of course told him I would move my stand to somewhere else on the property so that I was not set up right on him. So he was nice enough to show spots on the property that have been quite productive for him in the past.

As I was leaving I decided to do one more sweep up the edge of the woods just in case the buck decided to circle back. I ended up finding my arrow. It was not soaked in blood but did not have any gut on it either. Instead all I could really find was hair and some meat on the fletchings. So I think I just hit him high in the back, and with the amount of blood that we found I really think this buck will survive. Which really makes me feel better about the whole situation.

Here are some pics of the buck.