There is just a certain percentage of hunters that don't get it. They'll hunt your stand, your blind, your property even, and not give a shit. They'll see you set up hunting on public ground and still walk in and set up in the area. They'll get to the spot late and screw your efforts of getting in early completely up. And they don't get it.
I talked to Longdraw last night about a guy he confronted that had been hunting everybody's blinds out at the lake. Sure, it's public land and the blind drawings basically permit an individual the right for that season to construct a blind. BUT if you don't have a copy of the blind permit, then you're not allowed to hunt that blind. This particular guy was hunting several blinds at the lake, and basically didn't give a shit. In fact he argued with Longdraw about it, and just didn't see what he was doing wrong??? To top if off the guy was shooting at birds waaaaay out of range, sky busting birds, which not only means you;re not gonna kill a bird that far out, but it only makes them more decoy & call shy for the next guy. Fuggin' idiots...