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Sitting in someone else's treestand


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Found a guy in one stands. It was bow season before daylight on private property that only I had permission on.

I asked him politely to vacate my stand and the property and he asked if it would be alright if since he was already in the stand that he go ahead and hunt until noon, he had a doctor appointment at 1 PM so he would be gone by noon.

He was never told "no" as a child. Man, the nerve...


*Supporting Member*
Found a guy in one stands. It was bow season before daylight on private property that only I had permission on.

I asked him politely to vacate my stand and the property and he asked if it would be alright if since he was already in the stand that he go ahead and hunt until noon, he had a doctor appointment at 1 PM so he would be gone by noon.

And is he still alive today? Just wondering.................


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Found a guy in one stands. It was bow season before daylight on private property that only I had permission on.

I asked him politely to vacate my stand and the property and he asked if it would be alright if since he was already in the stand that he go ahead and hunt until noon, he had a doctor appointment at 1 PM so he would be gone by noon.

That is unreal man. I'm not sure how you refrained from knocking his teeth out.


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Found a guy in one stands. It was bow season before daylight on private property that only I had permission on.

I asked him politely to vacate my stand and the property and he asked if it would be alright if since he was already in the stand that he go ahead and hunt until noon, he had a doctor appointment at 1 PM so he would be gone by noon.

I would have said, you might want to move that apt up so you can get some stitches, when he said what stitches? I would have said the ones you're going to need when you get out of the stand! :smiley_blackeye:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I think I would have said "Sure. Go right ahead." Then I would have walked back to my truck while talking to the game warden. "Come get this puke before I call the rescue squad for him."


Actually I never said a word to him at forst when he asked, I just started taking the tree steps out of the tree. He shined his light and saw what I was doing and I hear "hey man, hey man, how am I going to get down?" I replied "jump", he said "I'm coming down right now don't take anymore out!" He lowered is bow on my pull rope that I untied for him as he was climbing down and gave it a little toss in the direction of the road. He had to jump down the last 8 feet. I suggested he not return again and he left never to be seen again.

Young kid, early 20's I guess that apparently lived in one of the near by houses or someone dropped him off, not sure, but he knew where that stand was before climbing in that morning before daylight so he had been there previously.

I then went to another part of the farm and hunted


*Supporting Member*
Actually I never said a word to him at forst when he asked, I just started taking the tree steps out of the tree. He shined his light and saw what I was doing and I hear "hey man, hey man, how am I going to get down?" I replied "jump", he said "I'm coming down right now don't take anymore out!" He lowered is bow on my pull rope that I untied for him as he was climbing down and gave it a little toss in the direction of the road. He had to jump down the last 8 feet. I suggested he not return again and he left never to be seen again.

Hilarious! Great job!


Senior Member
Actually I never said a word to him at forst when he asked, I just started taking the tree steps out of the tree. He shined his light and saw what I was doing and I hear "hey man, hey man, how am I going to get down?" I replied "jump", he said "I'm coming down right now don't take anymore out!" He lowered is bow on my pull rope that I untied for him as he was climbing down and gave it a little toss in the direction of the road. He had to jump down the last 8 feet. I suggested he not return again and he left never to be seen again.

Young kid, early 20's I guess that apparently lived in one of the near by houses or someone dropped him off, not sure, but he knew where that stand was before climbing in that morning before daylight so he had been there previously.

I then went to another part of the farm and hunted

Awesome! Well played my good man, well played!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
No shit. I'd have stomped a mudhole in his ass and walked it dry for coming back at me with that. What a fuggtard...


One time I was bowhunting Indiana and got there around 5 pm...when I parked at the road there was a car parked close to where I normally park...I didn't think much about it. So I proceed to get my things on and start walking back and when I get to the stand there is a safety strap attached to my tree, and fresh mud on the steps and platform of the stand!

I climbed on up and scanned back towards the vehicles and decided to keep hunting, while at the same time watching to see if someone gets in the car to leave. Sure enough, about 1/2 hour before dark I see someone walking to that car and quickly getting into it....I got down as fast as I could and ran my ass all the way to the truck...jumped in and began to chase them down the road. They had a 2 mile head start on me, but I quickly caught up to them...It was at that point the guy realized it was my truck following him and then he got nervous and headed for the nearest town...I rode his ass all around town and tried to get him to pull over...which he wouldn't...so finally he headed out of town and I just went back home...I think he got the hint.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
There is just a certain percentage of hunters that don't get it. They'll hunt your stand, your blind, your property even, and not give a shit. They'll see you set up hunting on public ground and still walk in and set up in the area. They'll get to the spot late and screw your efforts of getting in early completely up. And they don't get it.

I talked to Longdraw last night about a guy he confronted that had been hunting everybody's blinds out at the lake. Sure, it's public land and the blind drawings basically permit an individual the right for that season to construct a blind. BUT if you don't have a copy of the blind permit, then you're not allowed to hunt that blind. This particular guy was hunting several blinds at the lake, and basically didn't give a shit. In fact he argued with Longdraw about it, and just didn't see what he was doing wrong??? To top if off the guy was shooting at birds waaaaay out of range, sky busting birds, which not only means you;re not gonna kill a bird that far out, but it only makes them more decoy & call shy for the next guy. Fuggin' idiots...


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I would never get into another stand that someone hung. I will hang my own stands thank you.
Now ladder stands I would use with permission on a daily basis if know the other guy wasn't there.
20 yrs ago I hunted a deer haven of 200 ac. on deer damage permits. The owner was always too drunk to hunt so the Local Warden asked me and a friend to do the permits.
I put up a stand and climbed in before light to put my hand into some soft stuff. Turned my light on and some SOB took a dump on my seat and lucky I had my gloves on. As It turned out the owners buddies was trying to run us off as they started a Want-to-be Indian Club and was doing big time poaching. We were invited to their beer and pot parties but we always seemed to ne too busy to go. Wonder why?
I bought my farm the next year and never looked back. Today the owner gets a monthly check from his mothers estate and is a knocked down drunk. The 200 ac. farm is a subdivision. But man was it a great 5 yrs while it lasted.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Gonna drag this up from the depths...

Case by case situation for me. I don’t hang many stands, but I have them. It seems every time I find “the spot” a stand is already been placed there. Every property I hunt is overrun with other hunters. I’d rather hunt someone else’s stand them plant another one next to it. Same goes the other way.

So what I prefer to do is start a group text with everyone on the property. We share information and keep tabs on who’s hunting where and when.

These text generally stay active year around. I’m sure not all I do gets shared, but it sure helps.

Seems to be a lot of hate in this thread, so I’m going to assume this was originally directed towards treaspassers and not your fellow hunting buddies.


Active Member
The Hills
Gonna drag this up from the depths...

Case by case situation for me. I don’t hang many stands, but I have them. It seems every time I find “the spot” a stand is already been placed there. Every property I hunt is overrun with other hunters. I’d rather hunt someone else’s stand them plant another one next to it. Same goes the other way.

So what I prefer to do is start a group text with everyone on the property. We share information and keep tabs on who’s hunting where and when.

These text generally stay active year around. I’m sure not all I do gets shared, but it sure helps.

Seems to be a lot of hate in this thread, so I’m going to assume this was originally directed towards treaspassers and not your fellow hunting buddies.
Hunting buddies or not, unless you're given permission you just don't hunt others sets. I can only imagine how aggravating it is for someone to travel hours to hunt their favorite spot to find it's been raped for the past week.
With trespassers it's 5828482844 times worse. Especially when they try to make an excuse that they have the RIGHT to hunt private property they don't pay taxes for. I've had guys tell me they had the right to fish a pond on private land because someone told them it was stocked by the state and since they pay taxes those are their fish too. After I told him he was incorrect and we could find out from DNR but when I was right he would be going to jail he changed his tune and asked to leave. Then I found a stringer of fish hanging in the tree just outta sight. These fools had the audacity to park in front of a locked gate as well. I chained up to their vehicle and pulled it out of the way as they watched, didn't say a word about it. They knew they were busted. Can't stand scum that have no respect for others property.
Group texts are great for dealing with this so it's not an issue. Like I tell my guys, no one is gonna hunt your sets unless you give the permission for those with permission to hunt the property. But if we don't know about the set, you can't bitch if one of us walks by the tree you're sitting.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Exactly, communication is key. Respect for each other is another key. You hit on both of those.

I’d rather hunt with others then hunt by myself. I never expect to kill a big buck because of this and I’m perfectly fine with that.


Junior Member
On my property anyone who hunts here can hunt where they want. That was on of the first rules established.(stops politics and cuts that snakes head off before it grows have seen this ruin other camps)
We at least my group of guys. Go with no one owns the deer mentality. If any of us get a big one etc it’s all the same to us.
Not saying we each don’t have our own spots etc.. We all just work together. It’s never once been an issue.It will never be an issue.. Atleast on my own property.

Now if I were somewhere else. No I wouldn’t climb up in somone else’s stand. Really tho the only time I do hunt out of a tree stand is gun season.