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Quiting Smoking


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
Sides better health think of ALL the money you will save!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
That's awesome Jill!

I had quit for twelve years and my wife for sixteen. We both started socially just as yourself. Before we knew it, it was turning into more. Then we lost our son in February and we were back to being "pack a day smokers". She was able to put them back down, but I haven't been so lucky. Right now I have a flu bug and cigs taste like crap to me. I'm hoping that I smoked my last one yesterday.

Badger, I'm sorry about your loss.....I can't imagine. Saying a prayer that the time is right for you to give up the smokes.


Senior Member
Congrats Jeff on your quitting the cigs. I've been dipping for 30 plus years and need to quit myself. Good luck and hang tough!
How ya doing Jeff? I know ya started this thread yesterday and quit a couple days before that so I was just wondering how your day went today.

You could quit TOO, Ron ! Might as well make it a group thing. I quit rubbing after 32 years. It's tough but I have been snuff free for almost 8 months now.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
This is great stuff Jeff and Dale. I was a pack to a pack and a half a day for about 10 years. Told my wife if she would quit then I would quit, thinking she would never quit. Well I was wrong and I stuck to my word. Been smoke free for almost 9 years. I personally quit cold turkey. I remember hearing that after your last cigarette the nicotine is out of your system in three days. After that it is purely breaking the routine and habit of smoking. You guys will never regret quitting, but I feel I can safely say you would one day regret not quitting.

Once you get the nicotine out of your system it is a 100% psycollogical battle, and it aint easy but it is possible. YOU GUYS CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!:smiley_cheerleader:


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
This is great stuff Jeff and Dale. I was a pack to a pack and a half a day for about 10 years. Told my wife if she would quit then I would quit, thinking she would never quit. Well I was wrong and I stuck to my word. Been smoke free for almost 9 years. I personally quit cold turkey. I remember hearing that after your last cigarette the nicotine is out of your system in three days. After that it is purely breaking the routine and habit of smoking. You guys will never regret quitting, but I feel I can safely say you would one day regret not quitting.

Once you get the nicotine out of your system it is a 100% psycollogical battle, and it aint easy but it is possible. YOU GUYS CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!:smiley_cheerleader:

Thats is actually what I am fighting now, it's not the craving it is the routine. I had 3 yesterday but it was the old, get up, grab a cup of coffee and have a smoke. Getting ready for bed, let the dog out and burn a heater. What I am scared about is now is what about after sex??? rotflmao Ya got to go out and have a smoke after sex but since I have been trying to stop I have been a dry spill so I will have to cross that bridge when I come to it. I kind of fill of the wagon and have had 3 today and it's only 1:00. Rome was not built in a day. Also remembered I had to change my patch out.


Staff member
Best of luck my friend. The most difficult thing I've ever done in my life was quitting smoking. I've done it 3-4 times and always end up right back where I started. If and when I do quit for good, I can't ever have another one because I know what happens...


Senior Member
I'm still smoke free, haven't had on since Saturday. $35 a week for them nasty things is a waste of money.

That is freaking awesome! You're doing it bud! Keep hanging in there each day will get easier and easier plus you will have the pressure on ya that it has been so long since ya had one that ya just wont want to break your streak.