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Misery loves company


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So, who's all not able to be out today (or much at all this week for that matter)? I'm at work :smiley_badmood:
I'd love to be out there right now with my boys. I'm like a caged animal right now.
I'll be able to grab them from school and get them out in the evenings, but that will only give us an hour to sit.
Who's in a similar boat?
Who's in a worse situation?
Make me feel better. :smiley_ahh:

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
So, who's all not able to be out today (or much at all this week for that matter)? I'm at work :smiley_badmood:
I'd love to be out there right now with my boys. I'm like a caged animal right now.
I'll be able to grab them from school and get them out in the evenings, but that will only give us an hour to sit.
Who's in a similar boat?
Who's in a worse situation?
Make me feel better. :smiley_ahh:

Same boat cotty!! I feel your pain....I am a not at all guy....too many other things going on and that one thing called work!!


Senior Member
Don't you have a day off, teacher!??!

I'll tend for 'worse' situation, but TF could easily come in for the worst, poor fellar.

This is the third Opening Day that I've missed - and gun season for that matter) in as many years. It sucks, seriously. To kinda prove how 'serious' it is, I took up bow hunting (which, is a great thing, I'm so happy I did), but for someone who didn't bow hunt - but bashed bow hunting. I'll be honest, I could be on a full ride at nearly any school in Ohio: Toledo, BG, Kent, any of the state schools Musky, half at Otterbein, 3/4 at OSU......no, no, I'm going into debt by going out of state. It's a helluva education but dang it if this isn't one the days I question it!

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
Don't you have a day off, teacher!??!

I'll tend for 'worse' situation, but TF could easily come in for the worst, poor fellar.

This is the third Opening Day that I've missed - and gun season for that matter) in as many years. It sucks, seriously. To kinda prove how 'serious' it is, I took up bow hunting (which, is a great thing, I'm so happy I did), but for someone who didn't bow hunt - but bashed bow hunting. I'll be honest, I could be on a full ride at nearly any school in Ohio: Toledo, BG, Kent, any of the state schools Musky, half at Otterbein, 3/4 at OSU......no, no, I'm going into debt by going out of state. It's a helluva education but dang it if this isn't one the days I question it!

Teacher's day off is in the summer...they don't have vacation days....They have personal days but only three and the wording in the contract doesn't dictate that hunting is a personal day issue. SOOOOO....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Teacher's day off is in the summer...they don't have vacation days....They have personal days but only three and the wording in the contract doesn't dictate that hunting is a personal day issue. SOOOOO....

You got it.
Most of the schools in my area have today off for the purpose of hunting. My district used to do it, but did an extra day before Thanksgiving instead of after. :smiley_confused_vra

I love the summers off, but as stated before... I'd gladly trade June for November.

TF - You win.


Senior Member
Personal days roll over! And they have sick days! My mom and sister and both teachers, hell my aunt is a teacher and has 1.5 YEARS in unused vacation days (she also makes 95k for home-ec teacher!)

Fuggin teacher's union (oh wait that's where this dependent gets his insurance :smiley_baby:)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Don't you have a day off, teacher!??!

I'll tend for 'worse' situation, but TF could easily come in for the worst, poor fellar.

This is the third Opening Day that I've missed - and gun season for that matter) in as many years. It sucks, seriously. To kinda prove how 'serious' it is, I took up bow hunting (which, is a great thing, I'm so happy I did), but for someone who didn't bow hunt - but bashed bow hunting. I'll be honest, I could be on a full ride at nearly any school in Ohio: Toledo, BG, Kent, any of the state schools Musky, half at Otterbein, 3/4 at OSU......no, no, I'm going into debt by going out of state. It's a helluva education but dang it if this isn't one the days I question it!

I missed too much time when I had that Gall Bladder issue.

I was in your boat while going through college. I started at Akron. I didn't hunt much at all. It was rough. I know what you're going through there.
Someday though, you'll be able to set aside all your vacation time for deer. In fact, when you get that law degree, you need to start your own practice. then you come and go as you please. My wife is a para legal and that's what her boss does. She basically runs the ship and he collects the big pay checks.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
There is no such thing as vacation days for teachers....just the summer off.....Personal days don't roll over ...well they might depends on the district .....most let you roll over to for but thats the max...now sick days can roll over for your career....But those are to be used for hunting!! lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Personal days roll over! And they have sick days! My mom and sister and both teachers, hell my aunt is a teacher and has 1.5 YEARS in unused vacation days (she also makes 95k for home-ec teacher!)

Fuggin teacher's union (oh wait that's where this dependent gets his insurance :smiley_baby:)

Our personal days don't roll over. Use them or lose them.
If I hadn't shot a buck yet I'd be out. I just felt like bitching today. lol

I wish I worked where your aunt does! I have a masters with 12 years experience and am yet to crack 50K. That is with my baseball stipend, tech coordinator stipend, and junior high AD stipend!
I'm maxed out.


Senior Member
That sucks! Yea the district that my mom and sister teach in lets them roll over their personal days, with no limit. It's not uncommon for teachers with over 25 years to take a day off a week (or so it seems).


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I am at work TOO fellas, No gun week for me. I am going to try to sneak out for the last hour and a half tonight, tomorrow and thursday. Then I will have the weekend.

sucks not being out there. My dad, my buddy, and my buddies uncle are all out there. Seen alot of deer on the hoof running to beat the band.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio



:tantrum: :smiley_badmood:


Senior Member
Oh this could be a fun game (TF wins of course).

Per Google Earth, I am .... from my treestand:

141.61 miles
249,238.42 yards (the 870 dont shoot that far!)
747,715.25 feet


Maybe I should have bought a Buckeye Cam and strapped it to the seat so I could see what I'm missing lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I stopped in for lunch, the mail, to feed the dogs, and drop off my daughter. She was sick today and i had to lug her around in the back seat of the truck while I got my running done. My wife is home to watch her now, but with rain coming in, I need to get work accomplished. What is worse? Knowing you cannot hunt, or driving past the woods you can hunt in, but knowing you really "shouldn't" be hunting? Personally, I think the freedom my job gives me is one of the toughest things to deal with at times. I really "could" go out and hunt, but I just know I shouldn't as I have work which needs to be done. TF-You win

Ernie- They must be in the right school district. My Dad never did close to that and he teaches in a good school district. Been teaching since 1969, has his masters, coached, etc, but never got close to six figures. I don't think that is the norm.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio

Just sayen...

we are a sorry lot...I know I'm no worse off than the rest of you here...
2 miles or 20,000, sucks to be us boys. :smiley_computerfigh