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What's good TOO?


Tatonka guide.
Sick as a dog and have been laying on the couch since about 10am. What's good you might ask. A woman who brought home flu medicine both daytime and nighttime, chicken noodle soup, and power laid.

Editted for you..see if you can find it


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good stuff Jesse.

Dang Joe. Shouldn't have wasted time replying to my texts. Should have just said "catch me tomorrow I am sick." I wouldn't have pestered you. Thank you though.

What's Good? Sitting here sipping some Makers Mark 46 and scrolling TOO. Dog at my feet. Kids in bed. Wife under a blanket next to me. Indiana Jones on TV. Finally settling down and relaxing at 11pm.


Dignitary Member
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Licking Co. Ohio
Finally some good news with the hip, went to the Doc this morning, had the staples removed and everything is looking good there he said, 27 of them little bastards pulled out !!! He went over my weekly blood work and said everything is looking good there also, definitely feeling a lot better about things now, not out of the woods yet but things are definitely looking a lot better.

Very Good News Tad! Keep Gettin' Better Buddy!


Staff member
How's this not make your day!?! Best text my wife has ever sent!!!

Said: TOO cool for school...



Dignitary Member
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Up Nort
This is my brother in law's father. WWII vet. He was a marine, mortar man, who loves to share his experiences in japan. He was first wave. This is gold.


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Senior Member
What's good? Setting on the balcony of our condo in Myrtle Beach sipping on a sassparilla and listening to Jimmy Buffet as the waves crash upon the shore. Now that's relaxing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Outstanding Mike! Let him know we haven't forgotten about the sacrifices he and his generation made for this country.

I have a truly TOO Good worthy evening. Our oldest biological child spent the week in Myrtle Beach with her best friend and their family. Not just immediate family but extended family as well. She is home safe with us tonight and despite being tired has been full of hugs, kisses, stories, excitement, and even bought her brothers tee shirts. Her friends parents and grandparents both made it a point to tell us she was a pleasure to have. Grandpa pulled me to the side and shook my hand saying "you have a great kid. You have done well." You always brag on your kids and are proud of them. You like to think they are good kids. When you hear it from others who just spent a week with her it really makes you proud. I grew up a year older than her best friend's dad so I played ball with them and knew his parents when I was her age. Having known them for decades really makes it mean that much more. Now if you will excuse me I need to go get another hug from my little princess. :smiley_clap:
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