And its pouring right now. Every bit of my stank ass is getting washed away as I type. Love it!!!
Installed my peep last night and built my arrows today at lunch. 530 grains finished. I can't wait to see how fast they are being thrown and figure out that KE number!!!
Went after two pieces of property tonight and struck out both times. Couldn't find the one people and was shot down by an 84 year old widow. Had her in the palm of my hand and then she told me about her gun toting neighbors who she lets hunt. Said no more people after that. It's 123 acres of PRIME habitat. I hesitate to even think of some of the bucks that roam there. Secluded pond, 50-100+ year old mature timber, beans and corn, mature apples trees and cover out the ass. She said she lost count of how many people have asked to lease it. I left her a pamphlet and told her I'd be happy to help with chores. We'll see what happens, but I think I'm screwed. Broke my friggin heart.
Sounds like it is still up in the air Jesse. You may fly out, but you still may have a HR with the widow. Sometimes the right person charms a lady like that and helps her out and it pays great dividends. If not, you gave it an honest effort.
Sorry to hear it Don. That just plain sucks.