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The TOO dump thread


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Good news: Kody, 7th grade, was blocking at his TE position today and a long TD run broke off around his side.

Bad news: He rolled his ankle to the inside, went to ER, suspected fracture of a bone in the arch of his left foot. I will know more tomorrow when he sees a specialist.


Any word on how your boy is Mike, hope he heals quickly.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Is there really a need for so much red tape.
My son has been dealing with pain in his left foot for about 6 weeks now. He has been dealing with it because of soccer season and him not wanting to take any time off. About a month ago he finally had enough so we took him to the Dr. They X-ray it and it comes back normal. He keeps playing and it gets worse. Take him back to the Dr. Friday and they X-ray it again and put him on Crutches. They call Monday morning with the results. Had to wait for the Dr. to review the films. He fractured the outside of his foot. They say he needs to go to an Orthopedic. Have to wait on a referral due to insurance. They refer him to a Dr. Call them up to make an appt and next wednesday is earliest he can be seen. I find that Dayton Childrens Orthopedics has walk ins on Mondays. Call family Dr. back and they act like they do not want to refer there. Probably get a kick back from certain Dr.'s.
Rant over.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Quantum, no doubt they get a kick back. Hope things work out for him.

Kody's foot is NOT broken. It is a tendon issue. A small bone in his foot slid under a tendon and went back. Strange? Anyway... he is out for at least a week, maybe more depending on how he feels. He is a boot right now for a few days.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Quantum, no doubt they get a kick back. Hope things work out for him.

Kody's foot is NOT broken. It is a tendon issue. A small bone in his foot slid under a tendon and went back. Strange? Anyway... he is out for at least a week, maybe more depending on how he feels. He is a boot right now for a few days.

If it's not better soon, get another opinion. My good friend screwed up his ankle in junior high playing baseball and then broke it again in high school and once in college (and then the other one in college too, poor kid had bad luck). Ended up having all of his tendons cut and then retied. Pretty awful. One tendon thing led to another though so that is a bad row to go down.

On one of those they said it was not broken but then it didn't heal - turns out it was indeed broken.

Hopefully your son does not have the same problems!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
If it's not better soon, get another opinion. My good friend screwed up his ankle in junior high playing baseball and then broke it again in high school and once in college (and then the other one in college too, poor kid had bad luck). Ended up having all of his tendons cut and then retied. Pretty awful. One tendon thing led to another though so that is a bad row to go down.

On one of those they said it was not broken but then it didn't heal - turns out it was indeed broken.

Hopefully your son does not have the same problems!

No doubt. Ankle injuries can be bad, and have a tendency to linger. I fractured a bone in my ankle in 8th grade and lost a step or two in the speed department. Seems like that was always the ankle I rolled in HS. It still bothers me to this day.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
A lot of sprains take longer too heal then broken bones.... Sometimes we hope its not broken but in all actuality it'd be better if it was....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks guys. Yeah sprains suck worse than breaks.

The doc he saw today was Dr. Snell. He is one of the Pirates team doctors for physical therapy. Im hoping his diagnosis is spot on, but you never know. We will see how he heals up and go from there.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just now catching up with this thread Mike! Dang! Sorry to hear this but I'm glad it's not broken! Hope he's on the mend soon and doesn't miss much of the season.


*Supporting Member*

Spent all morning getting deer meat cut up and ready to can. Got my first jar in the water bath and went to put the next jar in and saw meat floating in the water. $*&^%$#@! jar busted.

I am so *&^%$#@! pissed off, there are no words to describe it.

Back to the *&^%^~!%$#@ drawing board. FUGG.


*Supporting Member*
That's a bummer Diane. At least this you're not Jesse, who would invariably share a pic of something floating in the water... since this IS the dump thread...lol.

Thanks Kevin, that made me laugh. I'm pretty sure it was my own fault. I've canned for years, but not meat and I think I had the water in the stock pot TOO hot and the jars too cold since I was working with meat.

I'm gonna re-group and start over in a bit.