Missed last night update.
Got into the woods early (2:30ish) as I figured with the cold temps, overcast skies, and a different wind direction they should be moving. I kept a pretty good log going in the "live hunt" thread as I know how I look forward to reading them.
On the way in I kicked something up. I'm sure it was a deer but didn't see it. It was in really thick stuff so no hope of seeing it. I changed out SD cards and dumped some apples/dried molasses and corn out at the camera location before making my way around to the stand. I hadn't baited that camera in a month so camera visits were way down, still good though.
Once in the stand nothing was moving. Not even the squirrels. An hour later it was like a switch was flipped and the woods came alive. Coons, groundhogs, squirrels, chipmunks and my buddy from the past few seasons even made a grand appearance...American Kestrel. Everything went absolutely silent when he busted through the canopy and smoked a squirrel. Awesome to watch. They are like fighter pilots and just fun to watch. After eating his fill he did some fly-by's of the corn field and the mourning doves were scared shitless (Kestrels usually eat other birds). Very cool.
After the entertainment died down I turned to look on the side I never expected to see anything, more to stretch than TOO look. I saw a silhouette of a deer off in some thicker stuff about 80 yards away. Hit the can call three consecutive times and the deer turned on a dime. Ended up being a 1.5 y/o 8 point that is going to be a great buck later as he already had a split brow and junk starting all over. Gotta be one of Spicoli's spawn. He worked his way around me and ended up in every one of my shooting lanes. He put his head in the corn and started eating. Just to mess with him I hit the can call two more times. Right after a doe came in. When he saw her he stuck his nose down and pushed her just a bit. They hung and browsed around for a bit. Downwind most of the time (thanks Scent Smoker).
After they both went into the corn again another buck showed up. A clean 1.5 y/o 8. He was a REALLY great deer for his age. High and tight. He walked down the corn and got the shit scared out of him by the buck in the corn. They all checked each other out for a sec and then milled around more....all down wind. Funny thing is they were all downwind of the bait I put out many times and they never even went to it. After greeting each other the newest buck dogged the doe a bit and they went off into the big woods.
The REALLY cool part was a couple minutes later I could hear the two bucks sparring. Very cool. It was hard not to shoot that doe but I don't have enough to spare. I had multiple shots on all the deer which was cool.
Deer seen: 9
Does: 6
Bucks: 3
Shot opportunities: 4
Time on stand: 14.5 hours
mornings: 2
Evenings: 3