Day 2 the late start.
As we headed out to start our day all was going as planed...... Then we tried to leave the house.
As noted yesterday we had discovered a place with heavy sign we had left for today's hunt. With high hopes as we got ready this morning coffee was drank my back pack was ready the list of a hundred things you need, to hunt the desert were put in the buggy. Things were good till the key was turned and it went click. Shit! The starter went bad. Now normally not a big deal, my uncle has two, but the other one was in the shop. ( the desert is hard on vehicles )
So with a quick shift of items to his truck, guns, hundred items for the desert , dog

( known as the ugliest dog in Yuma , that retrieves everything from dove, ducks, quail to even bobcats and yotes ) check,we were off.
As we set down an old dirt path through the alfalfa fields , the sun was far beyond daybreak. Scanning for deer in the fields as we arrive to where I was to be dropped off. We could see another truck down the way. After I was loaded up and given my orders I was set. Today was gonna be a little more Ohio style, a very thick area to be slowly still hunted. The plan was for me to work my way through due east for about 4 miles that was estimated to take me 4/5 hours then I would be picked up. Then more glassing from the truck and scouting. Today I was armed with there version of a brush gun. A ruger bolt action chambered in 7.62x39.
My uncle was gonna go see if the other truck had anything going on. After I started and then move east about 4 miles and find a rise to glass from.
The view as I stepped in.
As I made my way there was many times I would get a glimpse of a yote scampering out ahead of me, but never enough room for a shot. I did have high hopes for a cat, even had a jack rabbit call with me. But no such luck.
I did have plenty of luck finding these little gems.

I was hunting close to a Air Force testing and training grounds. Most of which are 50 cal brass left over from the 40s.
As I got about 2 hours into it I received a check up from my uncle. He had informed me that the other truck was loading up a very nice 4x4 buck. ( pic is on his camera, I will get it and post later. )
He ended up knowing the hunters and trusted them. That was there last tag for my unit and would be moving to another now. They informed him that there were 2 other nice 4xs with this one also.
With the heat reaching the 90s as I ended my trek. We chose to just do some scouting and call it a day.
Oh.. I did have deer sightings today with shot ops if they were bucks, but they were a couple of doe. So I snapped a few pics that didn't turn out and just enjoyed watching them.
Not many pics today as it all looked like above. Did take a few others in the volcanic part that we scouted today, to show the extreme difference there is out here. And yes if there's a tree or shade of some sort there will be deer...... So I'm told crazy!

More tomorrow .........