I sprained my asshole fighting back a fart that couldn't be trusted, so I got down. Just checked a couple cams. Grabbing lunch, then putting corn out at my parents place to get things ready for gun season. Might hunt out there tonight and try to kill a doe. Got a set of sticks to hang there TOO.
My brother and I were talking about how excited we are for gun seAson this year. Weird discussion for sure. I wish the rut would end so I could start seeing deer again.
Great morning for me. Deer running everywhere and saw 3 shooters. Didn't hear any shots
Then I woke up and froze my arse off and didn't see a dam thing.
Good luck to the kiddo's and to all you diehards as well!! Finelyshedded that sucks if EHD hit your area! Has it happened in your area before?
Sorry for the late update....after missing the doe this morning he decided to sit awhile longer and see what happens...well, what happened was, a little 6 pt came out of no where and then with in 10 yds of our ground blind, i beleive he was sniffing around for the does that came through earlier...he went to our left to get a drink but never made it to the pond....BANG!....we have a dead deer folks! This kid totally redeemed himself...will get pic posted a little later....he is pumped about his first deer! And so i am!