Based solely on the shots heard in my little area of the state my previous guess appears to be high
Do I win both showcases if I'm within 100 deer?
I drove by Mohican State Park this morning and noticed more then a few pull-off areas that was open. Kind of suprised me there.
I too noticed there wasn't as many hunters out and about yesterday and seeing the same as I drive around for work today.
Multiple people bitching about not seeing deer on Ohio big buck Facebook page.
I have heard more shots in the last two days (and I didn't hunt today, nor was I outside a lot) than I would hear on a normal weekend day of gun season. In reviewing our county deer harvest for the first day and seeing we are down 45 deer on opening day, i would say there are a lot of people missing deer. Crazy. Cannot believe the number of shots I have heard. Bowhunter57 and his brother hunted my property today. He said he heard a good amount of shots. Saw one deer exit with hunters. I cannot believe all the shots I have heard are from missed deer. Hard to believe our opening day numbers were down so much.
I have been very surprised to see the same thing on other's fb pages as well...more hunters 'get it' than not.
Wood Road deer processing in Athens County was packed with deer tonight when we dropped of a doe my son took this afternoon
rotflmaoDue to lack of shots heard, I will amend my guess to 75, 408.
I have a feeling that there a few people that got stuck with an antlerless tag and feel they shouldn't be stuck with it.