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Chased some bunnies today


Tatonka guide.
Spent 4 hours out running the girls today, got my buddy out of the house and out for the first time chasing bunnies this year.... We only had one short chase but got the girls some exercise as well as my buddy..... Hardly any tracks other than deer and cats.... Hit three different properties and one I just hit too check some feeders we put up Friday with no tracks anywhere close too them.... I don't think the squirrels have even hit them yet lol....

Oh well, the girls got new bedding today and a good helping of food too make up for all the calories they burned up today.....

Bluedog what's your opinion on adding some ground burger too their food every on e in a while you think it messes with their digestive track at all??? My buddy will drop some in as well as the grease that comes from it too boost the protein some according too him lol....

We never did that but we did switch to a higher protein food in August to get their muscles built up And maintain some weight. We would leave them on it for a month and then blend out with lower gradually to not shock them when it was cold. I love putting new straw on a beagle box. They are so grateful and hilarious


Senior Member
been feeding our dogs fresh dog food for about a year now. is simple to make, they love it, they look better, feel better, eat less, shit less(like 50% less) and shed less. isn't too much trouble to make. not saving any money, but all said and done, it doesn't cost me any more than feeding them premium dry food. we are what we eat, and so are our animals.

used the cheapest ground beef we can find, hard boiled eggs(shells and all), white rice, powder supplement to make sure they getting all the trace minerals, fiber, etc. that they need. we make about 50lbs at a time, lasts a month or better for a 110lb lab and 50lb Lefty. we all so give them a small amount of dry food to help keep their teeth clean. honestly, this would be kind of a hassle if I didn't have the meat processing equipment that I do. having a large meat mixer that is powered by my grinder motor greatly simplifies the process. we freeze most of it, thaw it as needed. very happy we started doing this.


Junior Member
Spent 4 hours out running the girls today, got my buddy out of the house and out for the first time chasing bunnies this year.... We only had one short chase but got the girls some exercise as well as my buddy..... Hardly any tracks other than deer and cats.... Hit three different properties and one I just hit too check some feeders we put up Friday with no tracks anywhere close too them.... I don't think the squirrels have even hit them yet lol....

Oh well, the girls got new bedding today and a good helping of food too make up for all the calories they burned up today.....

Bluedog what's your opinion on adding some ground burger too their food every on e in a while you think it messes with their digestive track at all??? My buddy will drop some in as well as the grease that comes from it too boost the protein some according too him lol....

I don't think a little once in awhile hurts anything. Doing it a lot can unbalance an otherwise good diet. Probably makes us feel good about giving them some rather than it really being needed. I'm not saying that to belittle anyone who feeds stuff like that to their dogs because I do it too. Just be truthful about why you are feeding it. Yes, it makes me feel good to give my dogs treats. Do they really need it? No. The grease you have to really be careful about. Only very limited amounts. I just had a client last week that was feeding his dogs chicken livers and the skin off the chicken. The dog was really sick with pancreatitis. It is triggered by high fat in the food in a susceptible individual, but while most dogs recover, I have seen a few disasters where they didn't. And pancreatitis is one of the more common conditions I get to see unfortunately. And speaking of disasters (I get to see those a lot). While I have a few clients that successfully feed raw diets, I had my first proven dog death due to salmonella. That was not pretty. Nice 2 year old dog too. So feed raw rood at your own risk. My opinion: living life is risky enough without adding what you eat into the mix. If food might contain salmonella or other bad bugs, cook it. Stepping off soap box.


Junior Member
I was able to get my two heathens out yesterday. We have about 9-12" inches of snow on the ground. Nothing like running a 13 inch beagle in 9 inches of snow to get them a workout. I took a gun, but the only rabbit I saw was a small one so I let it go. I took a little clip of video on my cell phone. Wish I had a better camera. Some day. We had fun anyway.


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good clean fun, Bluedog!

Our beagle ran a couple around our woodlot today. Mason was home from school so he took his shotgun out while enjoying the show. The pup ran the rabbit around four or five times before Mason got bored with it enough to shoot. We had it for lunch. It was tasty, but he better not shoot anymore!

I plan to take the beagle over to my buddy's pheasant preserve tomorrow. He only has one hunt scheduled tomorrow and claims they have a lot of rabbits hiding in the milo. We shall see!


Junior Member
OK another video. Had the dogs out for two more hours today trying to wear them out a bit to last until next weekend. Darn work gets in the way of running the dogs. They ran 5 rabbits today. All 5 were very short runs with each rabbit heading to a hidey hole. Anyway video #1 is not the dogs, but something I came across while outside today. Wish I had had a kid alongside me today to see this. I love Mother Nature's clues that she leaves for us to find.


There are two more videos from today as well. A short one that ends in the mother of all hidey "holes" on my farm. And one more longer video that ends in a hole too. That one has a short glimpse of the rabbit as it literally walked across the frozen creek in front of me. LOL You can find it on my YouTube channel.


Junior Member
Good clean fun, Bluedog!

Our beagle ran a couple around our woodlot today. Mason was home from school so he took his shotgun out while enjoying the show. The pup ran the rabbit around four or five times before Mason got bored with it enough to shoot. We had it for lunch. It was tasty, but he better not shoot anymore!

I plan to take the beagle over to my buddy's pheasant preserve tomorrow. He only has one hunt scheduled tomorrow and claims they have a lot of rabbits hiding in the milo. We shall see!

Awesome! and yummy as well. :)


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Ran into the same thing yesterday but there was no blood or anything. Could have been a miss (i hope) or a mouse or something. Could see where the talons slid on top the snow with the wing tips right to the base of a big thorn bush.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Great too see you making it out Bluedog..... Love your videos and makes me think I need too put the gun down (not like I'm shooting anyways) and start shooting videos lol....

Goets keep gettin out there like the self guided version as well.... Old school and it's not easy and when you get em it makes that bunnie taste that much better.....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Old schools gettin old LOL!!! I keep showing my wife bluedogs videos and say look how cute those beagles are but shes not having any of it. We have a choc lab thats enough she says.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Old schools gettin old LOL!!! I keep showing my wife bluedogs videos and say look how cute those beagles are but shes not having any of it. We have a choc lab thats enough she says.

Bring home a beagle pup and it'll melt her heart lol....


Senior Member
Speaking of beagle diets...my mother would pan fry an egg once in while for our beagles. She said it made their coats better. I swear it did.
My parents had beagles for 38 years.

Have you heard this egg to diet Bluedog?

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I went over to my buddy's pheasant preserve today to chase bunnies. My girl ran 6, we shot two. There are pheasants all over the place. I did not plan to shoot any of them as pen raised birds just aren't my thing. But, my buddy that owns the place did shoot one. It had been out of the pen long enough to imitate a wild one. Every rabbit ran was in wooded areas, there was NOTHING out in the milo/corn fields. Not even any tracks in the fields.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Brock the last two or three times out all had snow coming down or snow on the ground and tracks in the open were pretty none existent..... They were all in thickets and flattened out brush.... A lot where it acted like a canopy....


Junior Member
Speaking of beagle diets...my mother would pan fry an egg once in while for our beagles. She said it made their coats better. I swear it did.
My parents had beagles for 38 years.

Have you heard this egg to diet Bluedog?

I hear all sorts of things. LOL! I love eggs. I have hens so I eat eggs almost every day. A great source of protein and some good essential fatty acids to boot. Raw egg whites have a substance that binds biotin (a B vitamin) and supposedly if you ate enough you could get a biotin deficiency. That only pertains to raw egg whites though. Cooked eggs and therefore egg whites are fine for you and for your dog. Just have to be careful of the calories especially during the off season.

I love Tuesdays. My work week is Tuesday through Saturday so most weeks I am running dogs Saturday afternoon, Sunday and Monday. My dogs are comatose on Tuesdays. My favorite saying is "a tired dog is a good dog". That especially pertains to house beagles that do things like chew through charger cords and empty the pantry cupboard to chow down on boxes of dry corn muffin mix and chocolate chip cookie dough mix. Not that that has happened to me recently or anything. :mad: Anyway right now they are sleeping very soundly. I love Tuesdays.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well just got off the phone with my buddy and the neighbor emptied his .45 last night at 5 coyotes that were at the kennel with the girls last night.... Looks like the callers coming out and we're going too blast some yotes.... Don't know what heir intentions were but it wasn't a social visit in my mind.... Extra attention is going too be paid too see if we can get a pattern and the trail cameras are going up too see where they're coming in at...... I'm thinking they're following an old fence line so we'll see...