Tatonka guide.
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Spent 4 hours out running the girls today, got my buddy out of the house and out for the first time chasing bunnies this year.... We only had one short chase but got the girls some exercise as well as my buddy..... Hardly any tracks other than deer and cats.... Hit three different properties and one I just hit too check some feeders we put up Friday with no tracks anywhere close too them.... I don't think the squirrels have even hit them yet lol....
Oh well, the girls got new bedding today and a good helping of food too make up for all the calories they burned up today.....
Bluedog what's your opinion on adding some ground burger too their food every on e in a while you think it messes with their digestive track at all??? My buddy will drop some in as well as the grease that comes from it too boost the protein some according too him lol....
We never did that but we did switch to a higher protein food in August to get their muscles built up And maintain some weight. We would leave them on it for a month and then blend out with lower gradually to not shock them when it was cold. I love putting new straw on a beagle box. They are so grateful and hilarious