Big surprise there... I never would've guessed you were gonna throw in something relating to FLIR.
I find it hard to believe it can be done for less than a WO's truck, but whatever you say Jose. Ducks are right out in the open, in daylight during normal working hours. Even at night, there are deer in the timber, or in the swamps, or in the standing corn fields. Sure you can still see a lot in cover with FLIR, but likely not always. And I'd be willing to bet there's a lot less red tape to go through for a daytime flight than a nighttime FLIR expedition.
But whatever... You're going to scour the web and rack your brain for umpteen reasons why your POV is right and mine is wrong, like usual. Knock yourself out. I'm still wondering why a thread about a waterfowl survey, designed by the DOW to help them make better decisions, is being hijacked by the stale "mismanaged deer herd" comments. Have you run out of new places to make your point?