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How do you field dress?


*Supporting Member III*
Just wondering how you all have found to be the best and fastest way to gut a deer...??? I ain't the fastest, but I'll hang them head up and have them done in 10 min or so... I'd have made this a poll, but I'm too retarded to figure out how. Post any detail you can so I can learn something and get cleaner and faster. If you use a butt out tool then you are automatically disqualified from posting on this thread.rotflmao


Senior Member

Just like that.

(I've got a butt-out tool that I'm waiting to try, but apparently you've got to kill a deer before you get frisky with it...)


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I'm hoping to do a video on this pretty soon. I can do one in 5 minutes without much trouble. I start by slicing along the brisket from the front of the rib cage to the diaphragm. Then I cut about 6" down from the end of the rib cage just to get my cut started. After that, I use a saw to cut open the rib cage. Once that's open, I hold the hide by making an upside down Y with my fingers. I lay the knife in the middle of my fingers and cut down to the pelvis. I then grab both rear legs and pull them together and push forward to gain access to the butthole. A quick run around the ballon knot with the knife, then I go back to the saw and cut through the pelvis. After that, cut the diaphragm and windpipe, then pull. It'll all come out nice and clean. (I use my left hand during all this to hold the stomach in place after I open it from ribcage to pelvis.) On a buck I'm mounting, I don't cut the hide north of the diaphragm and I cut the penis/balls out in one package. When it's warm, I cut a does teets off if she has milk.

I've seen a lot of guys talk shit about my technique, only to watch them do a 15 minute butcher job while attempting to "show me how it's done". I gut 4-5 deer a year and I've developed a pretty effective technique as a result. Not saying it's the best or the only way, but I'll race for speed and cleanliness of the finished product any day, with any one! ;) I had Tracie's done last week in 4:15 and when we dropped it off the processor said: "Sure wish more people would get 'em this clean before dropping them off..." I take pride in doing a good gut job. I see it as one more vital step in the entire process. I also hang all my deer and wash them out before doing anything with them. Since I have all my deer processed, I don't believe in making them work any harder than they already have to.

I'm sure we'll have a deer on the ground for muzzleloader, so I'll try to do a video then.


Senior Member
I'm hoping to male a video on this soon. I grab both rear legs and pull them together and push forward to gain access to the butthole. Then pull. It'll all come out nice and clean. (I use my left hand during all this to hold the stomach in place after I open it from ribcage to pelvis.) On a buck I'm mounting, and I keep the penis/balls all in one package. When it's warm, I cut a does teets off if she has milk.

I've seen a lot of guys talk shit about my technique, only to watch them do a 15 minute job while attempting to "show me how it's done". I've developed a pretty effective technique as a result. Not saying it's the best or the only way, but I'll race for speed and cleanliness of the finished product any day, with any one! ;) I had Tracie done last week in 4:15 and when we dropped it off the processor said: "Sure wish more people would get 'em this clean before dropping them off..." I take pride in doing a good but job. I see it as one more vital step in the entire process.


There we go lil bit of editing.

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Senior Member
The only thing with that method Jesse is that I was taught by my dad to not break the pelvis open if you're dragging the deer out. That way less meat gets scratched, dirty, etc.

That said, I'll work on my steady camera hand for ML season....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The only thing with that method Jesse is that I was taught by my dad to not break the pelvis open if you're dragging the deer out. That way less meat gets scratched, dirty, etc.

That said, I'll work on my steady camera hand for ML season....

My dad taught me to do it the way Jesse does, but I've since showed my ol' man that it's a much better (IMO) finished product if you don't cut the pelvis open.

Here's my method: I start by cutting around the anus and Vajayjay, all the way through up under the pelvis. Then I only cut the body cavity from the base of the sternum to the utter or cock... slip my hands and knife up in there to the windpipe and esophagus, cut them free, grab ahold of the windpipe, and pull everything out in one piece. Usually some trimming of the diaphram is required, too. If you cut around the butthole good enough, it comes right out through the stomach cavity with the rest of everything else.

I butcher my own deer, so keeping the meat as clean and free of hair as possible is a definite pluss. By keeping the hide intact over the inside of the hindquarters, it seems to keep the meat much cleaner between the gutting/dragging and skinning processes. Obviously when you're gutting a buck, it's impossible to remove the cock/balls without cutting the hide between the back legs, though.

This is the way that I prefer... of course there is more than one way to skin a cat... or deer, in this case.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Put the head up hill. Then I cut from pelvis to the brisket, cut around the anus. then cut through the diaphragm and reach in and cut the trachea and esophagus. Pull the lungs, heart etc out reach down into the pelvis pinch of the urethra and pull the bladder out, pull out the large intestine. Most is loose by then, dump it out . I usually don't cut the meat between the hind legs or the rib cage. ASAP I get it to water and wash it out.
I'm hoping to do a video on this pretty soon. I can do one in 5 minutes without much trouble. I start by slicing along the brisket from the front of the rib cage to the diaphragm. Then I cut about 6" down from the end of the rib cage just to get my cut started. After that, I use a saw to cut open the rib cage. Once that's open, I hold the hide by making an upside down Y with my fingers. I lay the knife in the middle of my fingers and cut down to the pelvis. I then grab both rear legs and pull them together and push forward to gain access to the butthole. A quick run around the ballon knot with the knife, then I go back to the saw and cut through the pelvis. After that, cut the diaphragm and windpipe, then pull. It'll all come out nice and clean. (I use my left hand during all this to hold the stomach in place after I open it from ribcage to pelvis.) On a buck I'm mounting, I don't cut the hide north of the diaphragm and I cut the penis/balls out in one package. When it's warm, I cut a does teets off if she has milk.

I've seen a lot of guys talk shit about my technique, only to watch them do a 15 minute butcher job while attempting to "show me how it's done". I gut 4-5 deer a year and I've developed a pretty effective technique as a result. Not saying it's the best or the only way, but I'll race for speed and cleanliness of the finished product any day, with any one! ;) I had Tracie's done last week in 4:15 and when we dropped it off the processor said: "Sure wish more people would get 'em this clean before dropping them off..." I take pride in doing a good gut job. I see it as one more vital step in the entire process. I also hang all my deer and wash them out before doing anything with them. Since I have all my deer processed, I don't believe in making them work any harder than they already have to.

I'm sure we'll have a deer on the ground for muzzleloader, so I'll try to do a video then.

ill take you up on that bet mr .jesse


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
The only thing with that method Jesse is that I was taught by my dad to not break the pelvis open if you're dragging the deer out. That way less meat gets scratched, dirty, etc.

I used to cut all the way down to the pelvis until a butcher one year asked me why I did it that way. Then he explained that he doesn't cut into any meat that he doesn't have to. Since then I've quit splitting the meat all the way to the pelvis.

I start off right at the 2 hole. Work the knife all around until it's freed up, and you can pull enough of the butt out to tie it off. I keep zip ties (yes, yet another glorious use for zip ties) in my pack and zip tie the sphincter shut.

Then I poke an entry cut at the base of the sternum for the gut hook to do it's work. I swipe or to down from the sternum to the bottom of the abdomen and it's opened up. From there I cut the diaphram loose, reach up and cut the esophagus free, and just pull the whole whole tract right out.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
ill take you up on that bet mr .jesse

Any day buddy! :D

I should add that I don't drag deer out of the woods. They ride out in the back of a Honda, so I don't have any reservations about cutting the pelvis. And since I spray the off, what little dirt they might encounter is short lived. I'm essence, my gutting style fits my method of getting deer out of the woods. I gut them within 100 yards of the barn, then take them straight there and hang them up. I'm sure I would learn go adjust my method for the situation if need be.


Senior Member
Let me know if you get that video done Jesse, I would like to see it.

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I take 10-15 min
But I am neat , not a hatchet job like a see way to many guys do

I cut around the bung hole and use a stick to twist and push it through

I wash the deer out only after I get htem home
As a wed deer picks up crud fast

As I bucher better than 1/2 of my own deer
It pays to take the time to do it clean in the woods

Funneyest thing I ever saw was a fool that tryed to wipe out the chest cavity with leaves last fall
By the time he was to the check station , they had dryed
Bet it took a hour to clean that mess up before the deer could be processed



Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Funneyest thing I ever saw was a fool that tryed to wipe out the chest cavity with leaves last fall
By the time he was to the check station , they had dryed
Bet it took a hour to clean that mess up before the deer could be processed

Here's one for you...

A couple of years ago, I had Matt (he can attest to this) and my buddy Ben come down to bow hunt one weekend. Ben shot a doe one morning, so we got it out of the woods and took it to the spot where I gut all my deer. Ben goes to town on this thing for a few minutes, then whips out his Butt Out tool he picked up. (Right after they came out.) I'm holding the front legs of this deer when he jams that Butt Out tool in this doe, twists, and starts pulling. He pulls like a mother fugger, then starts tugging this Butt Out tool so hard I have to put my weight in to holding her back. The whole time he's stretching skin a good 2' with each tug. We are dying laughing when all of a sudden he stops, get this look on his face like "OH..." and looks us to say: "No wonder it didn't work, I jammed it in the pussy!" rotflmao (Or something along those lines. Regardless, it was fuggin' hilarious!)

Funniest damn thing I have ever seen!!! lol

Actually got this picture over that gut pile...



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Oh no. Matt, sounds like this one is coming back to haunt you. I will let someone else start. I can't bring myself to do it. It is too funny without any extra comments. Poor thing. I feel sorry for your wife!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here's one for you...

A couple of years ago, I had Matt (he can attest to this) and my buddy Ben come down to bow hunt one weekend. Ben shot a doe one morning, so we got it out of the woods and took it to the spot where I gut all my deer. Ben goes to town on this thing for a few minutes, then whips out his Butt Out tool he picked up. (Right after they came out.) I'm holding the front legs of this deer when he jams that Butt Out tool in this doe, twists, and starts pulling. He pulls like a mother fugger, then starts tugging this Butt Out tool so hard I have to put my weight in to holding her back. The whole time he's stretching skin a good 2' with each tug. We are dying laughing when all of a sudden he stops, get this look on his face like "OH..." and looks us to say: "No wonder it didn't work, I jammed it in the pussy!" rotflmao (Or something along those lines. Regardless, it was fuggin' hilarious!)

Funniest damn thing I have ever seen!!! lol

I don't care who you are... that's frickin funny right there! lmao


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Oh no. Matt, sounds like this one is coming back to haunt you. I will let someone else start. I can't bring myself to do it. It is too funny without any extra comments. Poor thing. I feel sorry for your wife!

Matt was just a witness, my buddy Ben was this dipshit that didn't know which hole was which!