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2014 shed season


Junior Member
The woods
I went out with my shed hunting buddy all day today. We walked a lot of unproductive ground for most of the day. Amazing habitat, just absolutley no deer. Finally this evening we found some deer. Where the hunting pressure was, there was no deer. Where nobody hunted, walaa deer!! Imagine that.

We put in 20 miles today between the two of us and I finally found this little guy at the last spot we went. For those blind few who think we still have too many deer, I wish they could have walked the 20 miles with us today.

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Junior Member
The woods
I am in Southwest Ohio in farm country. You probably wouldn't believe the lack of deer we have. Nobody does until they get to experience a few seasons of it for themselves. There are pockets where we have a good amount, but generally speaking it is a deer desert. 90% of the deer are in 10% of the county. I have a few fragments of areas that I can shed hunt that still hold deer and that is the only way I am finding these antlers. I wouldn't bother looking othewise.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Took the family out today, minus my daughter who was playing with my niece. Checked out the hollow behind my house an meandered through some good thickets. No luck but we had fun (hard to tell in this pic though).



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Pics later. Found two small ones today to double my season total. Up to 4 and a dead head now. The one little guy was kinda cool with a different look to him. The other was ate up already. Both appeared to have been laying for awhile.


Senior Member
Athens County
Not the same deer. I figured the deer i was hunting had an injury at some point that caused the irregular growth. Some of the first pics of him from this year showed a distinct mark on his left side that could have been a scar.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Very nice find your buddy has Gordo. Congrats to him!

I was granted permission to shed hunt another big farm today. Looked very sheddy but after walking for 3 straight hours on it non stop(4-5 miles) and didn't find any sheds. Saw very little scat if any....WTH!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice finds fellas!
Wow Phil, those tree rats gobbled up that one shed. Fuggers!

Eh. Looked like they both had been there a couple months. One untouched. One chewed up pretty good. Within 20yds of each other. Probably more like 10yds really. Crazy how they pick one over the other.

Good idea Chad. Maybe if it was a 70-80" side. I don't see the Mrs tolerating another mount like this in the living room. Will be bringing my third deer mount home soon. Have one coyote and numerous sheds in the living room. Some hooves for coat hangers by the back door which sits by the dining room table. Our house just isn't that big to handle many more mounts. I am not going to push my luck.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Today's haul. A dead head from last year. A dead head from this year. One 51" side which looked fairly fresh.

As they lay.

Ball cap and 75lb Brutus for reference.

As they lay pic of the dead head from last year. The one from this year I spotted from 100yds or more away. My buddy got to it first and had already picked it up.