Jesse, I think that was a different weekend. Ben didn't shoot one when I was down there. I do believe I remember you telling me about that though.
As for my technique... I start with the butt out. Yall can mock it as much as you want, but it's a dirty job that has to get done, either with a knife or this tool. And it makes it simple and clean, so why not? Anyways, I use the butt out and pull a few inches out, squeeze any shit out, and tie it in a knot, no ties or anything necessary (you just have to be careful not to pull too much out or it will tear) Next, I cut the esophagus about 3/4 of the way down from the head (unless I am mounting the deer, then I do it from the inside later.) After that I start by piercing the hide just below the sternum with the tip of my knife, being careful not to puncture too much. After that, I use a gut hook to slice down to the genital region and cut off and remove udder/twigs/berries. The thing that I do differently than most I have seen is how I go into the guts. I have found that a few extra minutes at this stage makes skinning for me (I process my own deer) a lot easier. When I do the initial gut cut, I only lift the hide up and cut into the hide. After that cut, I start peeling the hide away from the gut sack, slicing down until right below the backstraps, maybe a few inches. Then on to the guts. I use the gut hook again to cut open the abdominal muscle. Once it's cut open, I dump out the intestines, etc... After all of that is cleared out, I pierce the abdomen with the tip of my knife and then push my hand up as far as I can reach on the esophagus and pull , which if I made a good cut earlier, everything should pull out all together. If it's a buck, I will gude my knife up and cut as high up on the esophagus as possible. Once I pull all of that out, I reserve anything I might want for cooking later (heart, liver) and at that point, the job is done.