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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Okay, I will guess we have a Frost Cutlery knife? Derringer above it to the right? 1911 at the top. Hard to tell, doesn't scream Colt to me. Not sure which make/model. The 1911 looks thinner than mine and the trigger is not looking Colt, but the upper receiver part does look Coltish. I guess they had this style trigger on some of them. Could be Colt but I just don't think so. I am going to tag a stab at a 1911 made by Springfield or possibly Taurus?
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here is one of the Omega all gussied up again after our range time today.


  • IMG00391-20101231-2043 TC Omega.jpg
    IMG00391-20101231-2043 TC Omega.jpg
    33.1 KB · Views: 196


Junior Member
OH Phil you cut me, you cut me deep...."Frost Cutlery knife" ; ) That is a Randall. The .45 is a Springfield Armory. The Derringer is a .38 made by Excam. OK the derringer is a piece of junk but it still goes bang and I thought it would look good in my picture.

Phil the Omega looks good. But I guess I am going to have to post a picture of a muzzle loader that shoots blackpowder so you guys will know the difference!:smiley_crazy:


Junior Member
HERE IT IS! This is a TC Hawken that I built from a kit about 20+ years ago. I also made the powder horn and possible bag. there is quite a bit of stuff in the bag I made also.

I am really proud of this gun. I have never went to a turkey shoot and not won at least 1 turkey. The most I have one is 3.

I always shoot 60 gr. of ffg and my cast round ball patched with pillow ticking. I have split many ball on an axe and broke 2 clay pigeons 1 on each side of the axe. I have also broke 2 crossed strings that crossed like an X. (with 1 shot)

I have killed 1 doe and a fox squirrel with it. I love shooting black powder. I don't understand why some people have so much trouble cleaning them. It's not that hard or big of a job.

My eyes have gotten so I have a real hard time seeing open sights. Before I took this picture I put the globe front sight on. I hope I can do better with it and the tang sight. I have a Green Mountain .32 barrel for it. When I got the .32 barrel I bought the tang sight and put a globe front sight on the .32. I have never been able to get the .32 to shoot worth a Shi-. I have tried many different loads, ball dia., and patch thicknesses. I even had the barrel recrowned.

Well here it is! Nothing special really, but it is to me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Frost Cutlery? Sorry. It was the first thing that came to mind. Obviously I am showing my lack in knowledge in the knife department. lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Gona have to pose the flintloc when I get home.
Mine likes 90gr of FFF foe killen deer w/ patch and round ball.

Your right. The old kit guns built years ago mean a lot.
Another fine pict. Buckrun


Junior Member
What cal. is your flintlock?

I don't know about flintlocks but I was told a long time ago that fff shouldn't be used in anything above .45 Something about the bore size and area behind the ball the smaller size granules of powder would burn faster and could cause to high pressure.

I would love to see your flintlock. These new inlines don't hold a candle to the beauty of the true blackpowder guns.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Mine is a 50. (Thompson - Hawkin)
I built it over 30 years ago. the book said 3F in the barrel and 4F in the pan.

Have shot from 110 to 90 grains over the years but settled on 90 after looking up the ballistic numbers.
Always shot patch and round ball but have had to change the frizzen out for a harder, after market one to help improve the spark w/ the english flint.
Will post it in a few days when I get home.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yet another beauty Steve! It is not my thing, but i certainly appreciate the fine craftsmanship in those old flintlocks. You guys have some true keepsakes. Maybe someday I will get the desire to build one, but i think i would build a traditional bow before I would build one of these. I can't even get my brand new TC inline dialed in. lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hmmm. . . that has my wheels turning. It is a thought. I would like to do it someday, but have not done enough homework on the subject to have considered doing it yet. I think it would be quite rewarding though to kill a deer with the longbow you made yourself!


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KEL-TEK SUB2000 in 9mm With Glock Mags

30 rd mag (inserted)
17 rd mag
10 rd mag

Stowed nicely in a briefcase.



Senior Member
That looks like your "Oh shit! Grab THE briefcase I'm the hell outta here"

Love it.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
You are missing a couple of bundles of $100 bills and your mags are dry but the rest of your bug out kit looks good.

Ha.. That's not a BOB. Just Props.. ;) Since my now ex-wife is living in another state, it was her "hold the fort await the calvary gun." The mags are loaded minus 1 round in the 17 and 10, and minus 3 in the 30.. However some local ordinances prevented her from possessing such a diabolical black gun so it's back home.

My BOB is of the AR variety.. I would never trust my life solely to a 9mm ;) I have however though about selling this piece and putting it towards another AR upper.. 6.8, 6.5, .450 maybe? None of them pass the map dot test. But i figure i can pile enough back it shouldn't matter.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Do you like it Joe? Has the 2000 worked out okay for you?

Works like a champ. I've only put about 100 rounds through it and it never had a FTF FTE.. And some of those were 5-7 round strings. My ex who is quite the petite priss could handle the recoil no problem. The first owner was Magnum on here. He might have fired about 100 rds through it the whole time he had it also. He pulled it out of the safe last summer when a bunch of us were over shooting etc. Still in the box, paperwork and original bill of sale... After shooting it I thought it would make a great gun for my wife so i set out to find one... Hell.. I called every shop within 100 miles. Closest i could get was a waiting list. Made Jim and offer and he sold it to me. Here 5 months later it's back in my hands. Neat gun. But i look at it and see a good payment towards another upper on the AR. :)