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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


Junior Member
Joe that is cool. Looks like it will get the job done when tshtf! I like my Kel-Tek 9mm I don't think I have ever had a problem with it. They make a good gun.


Junior Member
Hmmm. . . that has my wheels turning. It is a thought. I would like to do it someday, but have not done enough homework on the subject to have considered doing it yet. I think it would be quite rewarding though to kill a deer with the longbow you made yourself!

I'm not sure where all my paperwork is anymore. I will have to start hunting it up so you can look it over.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Why are you downloading mags?


Old Army habit.. Mag lip and spring fatigue mostly.. Some say it's no longer an issue with the newer mags and technologies etc etc.. I say it doesn't hurt.

If the SHTF bad enough that I run through a 27 rounds and need to reload.. The least of my worries will be the 3 or 1 i shorted in the mag.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
27 rounds will be in the first Zombie!

I have added a few more thing to my SHTF stash. Firing pins, recoil spring, and ejectors for all my guns (WTSHTF firearms).



Junior Member
Well here is the TC Greyhawk it is a .50. I finally broke down and put a scope on a muzzleloader. I just can't see open sights in the woods anymore. It is a Simmons 2-7. Not a great scope but it works. Now I need to start deer hunting again..Oh wait I just missed it now I have to wait until next year.:smiley_armscrossed:



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Nice pict. Buckrun!

It reminded me, I have to get a picture of my TC/flintlock up here...
I'll do that later today.:smiley_bril:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Dam... my better camera is not working but I did manage to shoot a few of the 50 cal. TC- Hawken. I built it from a kit in 1977. I've taken a couple deer with it. All patch and round ball. I have used anywhere from 90-110 grains of 3F, 4F in the pan. Only black powder here. Sorry they are such poor quality.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
What no scope???? WTH..... Ain't a true muzzloader without a scope..... I know I know, just kidding lol... I always liked the old muzzleloaders, lots of charecter and nice fixtures on them..... And most of them seemed to be tack drivers shooting patch and ball.... Although the flintlock and me never seemed to get along lol.... Still a sweet looking gun Jim and made by you makes it worth that much more....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
J, I'm still wracked with guilt over putting a scope on my 44 trapper lever action. :smiley_blackeye:--

I can tell you I romance the Mt.Man era when ever I carry it. Beautiful wood TOO. (white is snow flakes)
I met some "little old guys" in FL. at a gun club that shot BP once a week. They taught me a lot. That gun goes off nearly as fast as a percussion.

Thanks for the kind words. You have a good eye! lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice black powder Steve and Jim! I might add, you do have nice wood Jim. rotflmao:smiley_crocodile:
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Junior Member
That is a nice flint. The wood is beautiful! I also see you had to brown the barrel. I had a friend that built a TC Hawkin percussion in the 1970's. He had to brown his barrel also. My kit was from the 1980's at that time they were blueing the barrels from the factory. I heard TC was having problems with the kit builders getting the browning salution inside the barrel and ruining them so they started blueing them. I really thing a good brown barrel is a thing of beauty!

I notice you don't have a brass nose piece or but plate. Don't like the brass?

That is a beauty of a horn also. I have made a bunch of stuff to go with the hawkin. I think Ill get some pictures of that stuff and post it. Making the accessories is as much fun and as much a part of shooting BP as building a rifle.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
This is the first time a checked this thread out. Man you guys have some great looking firepower! CJD3, your friggin pics are grade A top shelf!!! WOW:smiley_clap: When I get time I'll try to post a few of mine.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Very cool how it all fits nicely in the case! b

Fits in the center console of a 2000 Dodge Ram 3500 when you are plowing snow in down town Lima at 2am as well Jim. Just sayin'.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Fits in the center console of a 2000 Dodge Ram 3500 when you are plowing snow in down town Lima at 2am as well Jim. Just sayin'.

Well thats good to know Hicks... And while we're on the subject, I've noticed a troubling direction the auto industry making glove box's and center consoles smaller and smaller. This makes it harder and harder to fit some of my full size/frame hand guns in them for short periods of time... Your comment makes me think I need to spend more money on larger vehicle's...Hell of a reason to buy a bigger truck...
"Well I don't know Steve. It is the color I want and Its a great sport package the factory and your dealership is throwing in. I did want the tow package if I found one but the glove box will only hold my Colt Commander and I'm really at a point in my life where I want to carry the full size Les Baer"


Junior Member
I will have to take some pics of my "gun porn" star.. Vietnam era Colt M16A1.. Only had about 100 rounds through it.. Just dont have pics yet.. I will see what I can do. You gun lovers will likey