HERE IT IS! This is a TC Hawken that I built from a kit about 20+ years ago. I also made the powder horn and possible bag. there is quite a bit of stuff in the bag I made also.
I am really proud of this gun. I have never went to a turkey shoot and not won at least 1 turkey. The most I have one is 3.
I always shoot 60 gr. of ffg and my cast round ball patched with pillow ticking. I have split many ball on an axe and broke 2 clay pigeons 1 on each side of the axe. I have also broke 2 crossed strings that crossed like an X. (with 1 shot)
I have killed 1 doe and a fox squirrel with it. I love shooting black powder. I don't understand why some people have so much trouble cleaning them. It's not that hard or big of a job.
My eyes have gotten so I have a real hard time seeing open sights. Before I took this picture I put the globe front sight on. I hope I can do better with it and the tang sight. I have a Green Mountain .32 barrel for it. When I got the .32 barrel I bought the tang sight and put a globe front sight on the .32. I have never been able to get the .32 to shoot worth a Shi-. I have tried many different loads, ball dia., and patch thicknesses. I even had the barrel recrowned.
Well here it is! Nothing special really, but it is to me.