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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


Junior Member
Muzzle Loading Crafts I didn't know if I should put this here or in the How TOO Crafts Section. I figured Id put it here since I am not showing how TOO...

I thought I’d take some pictures of the accouterments I have made for my black powder shooting. I think making this stuff and showing it off is as much a part of black powder shooting and the shooting its self!

I have a TC Hawkin .50 and I bought a Green Mountain .32 drop in barrel for it. In the first picture there are two of my possible bags. The one on the left is for the .50. The one on the right is for the .32 barrel.

Here is a picture of the two patch knives I made. Looks like I should have cleaned them up for the picture but I kind of like the patina that black powder leaves on this stuff.

The long knife goes with the .50 it is made out of a Green River blank I got from Dixie Gun Works. It has Cocobola handles and the brass guard. It holds an edge very good. The other is something I had laying around I don’t know what kind of knife it was. I just put an antler on it and it worked real good.

Inside my possible bag for the .50 there are a few neat things. At least I think they are neat. First there is the Ted Cash caper. That is one of the things I bought on a road trip to the Log Cabin Gun Shop years ago.

There is the ball started and brass powder measure I made. The bullet bag is made of the tanned hide from the first deer I shot. I shoot my cast bullets made from a Lyman .490 mold.

The antler is something I made to hold a small amount of 4F powder. I use it when I have a brain fart and forget to put the powder in first! I take the nipple out and pour some 4F in the nipple. Replace the nipple and shoot the ball out. Always remember to re-seat the ball. Because the cap will push the patched round ball out a little bit. If you don’t re-seat the ball there will be a gap between the powder and ball. Even though there is not much powder it could blow the barrel if not re-seated!

The round brass piece with the pin plugging the hole will unscrew so I can fill it easier.

The last picture is the ball starter and bullet bag made from the same deer hide. This one has a piece of horn that the balls roll out when plug is removed.

So there is some of my projects I have made to go with the buckskinning, blackpowder shooting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Ho man are you lucky that I don't live around the corner from you!
I would never get any work done. Those are just great! I haven't made nearly that much stuff but am always tinkering, stashing away material (leather hides, bone, wood and antlers) for weekend/rainy day projects.
Very nice to have when shooting BP.Thanks for posting Buckrun
Nice work on the possible bags TOO !:smiley_clap:


Junior Member
Thanks Guys. I love tinkering around making things. You would love to come over and play in my shop. I have been trying to get Phil to come over but we are both busy this time of year. When I am done posting pictures of the gun porn I'll have to start a thread of other toys in our lives. I would also like to post in the traditional archery porn thread. I have a ton of that stuff also.

I really haven't gotten into posting pictures of hand guns or .22 rimfires yet. I want to see other peoples toys TOO!


Junior Member
Here are a couple more BP guns. This is a Traditions .50 handgun with double set triggers. I have never shot this one yet but I did build a loading stand for it. There are also couple original items in the picture.

This is an original hawkin style rifle. It is a .32 cal. It has been in the family for a long time I got it from my grandfather. There is an original horn there also. I have been told the horn is worth more than the rifle! The horn is really nice.

I have shot this old .32 but couldn't hit the side of a barn! The barrel is really rusty inside. When I got it I tried to clean it. It was still loaded!!! I pulled a ball out and cleaned the powder out.

A friend of mine's father has ran auctions for years. He told me that a lot of the old black powder guns they run across are loaded. One of his jobs was to check them all and clean them out if they were loaded.
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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Buckrun I would call your .32 an Ohio style rifle, smallbore, caplock, 1/2 stock. That is what was needed in Ohio and other mid-west states from the 1820s-1880s not much big game around by then. It's a beauty! Is it signed or have any maker's mark? And you might be right about the horn, they are quite collectible.

While we are on BP guns here are some of my cap and ball revolvers.
The top is an engraved 1851 Navy imported by Sile. It has the smoothest action of any of my C&Bs. The bottom is a 3rd generation Colt 1862 Pocket Navy. Both are .36 caliber, the '62 is 5 shots, '51 6 shots.


Junior Member
I have always wanted to get a cap and ball revolver. I have never shot one but I bet they are a ball to shoot!

For some reason I have been in love with the Colt Patterson.

There is some ingraving on the barrel of the .32 I'll get a close up picture. The front sight seem to be a tooth or something like that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Awesome. WHy is it every time we try to meet up there is stuff going on? We need to make it happen!


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Yep that is an Ohio rifle, might be made in Indiana or some other place but that is the style. It is a really nice on too!!! The front sight seems to be ivory. I can't make out the name past A.C. then maybe an "H" Do you ever get up around Akron? The Kindigs at the Log Cabin Gunshop in Lodi could probably help identify the maker.


Junior Member
Something more modern. Here is one that is really sweet. The Browning Hi-Power 9mm. Made in Belgium. There are a couple Cold Steel knives I wish I had a way to carry some of the knives I have. I have been collecting knives since I was a kid.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Sam- Very nice BP guns you have there. Opened up the other half of the vault eha?
Buckrun-I love the old original pieces you have collected. Really wonderful parts of our history
- O and you have got to be joking that you can't figure out some ways to carry some of those knives...A man with your talents could probably get away with 8-10 or more hidden on yer body.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Go ahead Buckrun... teach em a lesson! :smiley_chinrub:

Hoping Beentown will post his new toy from the fun shop soon.:smiley_bril:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I really think I am out of guns to take pictures of until Tuesday. Now it is time to do some "glamour shots".



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I can wait till Tuesday, since you're such a dedicated gun porn poster. :smiley_coolpeace:

Just sucks for me since the drilling rig pads have a "no weapons policy"

I'd boycot em if I diden"t need the job. It took some real getting useto not having my little friend with me...
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