How can we make a donation to help defray the costs of this forum?
How can we make a donation to help defray the costs of this forum?
There are a couple of ways to help us out. You can PayPal a donation to or you can send a check to Joe or I and we'll get the money into our PayPal account. We were able to cover the vBulletin license from there and once we recover that, we'll make a decision as a group about what to do with any leftovers. We discussed getting some decals made up or some hats with any extra funds in the PayPal account. Kinda give back to the members that helped us along the way...
What's the suggested donation? Just throwing that out there...
There isn't one bud. We didn't set a price because we're not selling anything.. Whatever your budget or kindness allows will be greatly appreciated. Jesse and i dipped into our pre-season hunting funds to kick this thing off in hopes that it would be a great place for friends and sharing information. It looks like you guys are making that a reality and we're happy about that.. We're not looking to make money, just some of what it cost us, and the rest stays in the kiddy for events, decals, or unforeseen expenses down the road like we need to find a new home server etc. Soo whatever you like buddy.. It's up to yall.No less or no more is thought of anybody for their amount.
I think we should get shirts that say, "TOO, the other site" and then on the back, "Poaching members since 2010,"
Someone mentioned to me about the same time i was thinking the same thing.. We should get really tight shirts made for women with a T in the middle.
Something similar to this But with the bottom and top of the T curving around to outline the boobs better.