I was out Wednesday at the property I was so excited about. Got there at 3:40, got all my gear and took 3 steps into the woods and a whole herd of deer took off. They were eating acorns and there were at least 10 does all together. It took me forever to find a tree to put my climber in, the woods I originally went into was much more mature than I had previously thought. After I was in the stand, all I saw was a coon, found a lot of rubs though, not on big trees but there were a series of small trees that were completely destroyed. I'm in a completely different area of the property tonight sitting on the edge of a swamp. It was a challenge getting in here, I had to make a bridge across the muckiest little creek I've ever come across. Looked shallow so I stuck one foot in slow and got almost to the top of my muck boot without fining anything even remotely solid. It's windier than I would like but I think it covered my noise getting in here.