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Live from the stand!

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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Brock, I'm in bizarro world too.
I hate the rut, hate it completely. I like the first week or so of November, but once they get with does, I'm over it. It happens every year, "lockdown" most call it. It's hard to even find a doe for me, usually. Heck, several years ago I hunted a big piece of private ground in Buffalo Co WI. I had seen dozens of deer the first several days, then "lockdown". It was unreal how everything just stopped. I killed my buck in the middle of that mess, but I shot him at 11am and had only seen a button buck before that. I can't take the boredom of it, regardless of what horny, huge buck may be coming over the ridge. I'm done...until tomorrow morning of course. :) Any day now, there will be deer everywhere you look, I want to be there when they turn loose again, and I think it will be soon, but I sure don't enjoy the boredom beforehand.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
hate the rut, hate it completely. I like the first week or so of November, but once they get with does, I'm over it. It happens every year, "lockdown" most call it. It's hard to even find a doe for me, usually. Heck, several years ago I hunted a big piece of private ground in Buffalo Co WI. I had seen dozens of deer the first several days, then "lockdown". It was unreal how everything just stopped. I killed my buck in the middle of that mess, but I shot him at 11am and had only seen a button buck before that. I can't take the boredom of it, regardless of what horny, huge buck may be coming over the ridge. I'm done...until tomorrow morning of course. Any day now, there will be deer everywhere you look, I want to be there when they turn loose again, and I think it will be soon, but I sure don't enjoy the boredom beforehand.

You're describing pretty much every sit around here. Even our best days would seem slow to guys from your neck of the woods.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You're describing pretty much every sit around here. Even our best days would seem slow to guys from your neck of the woods.

My "neck of the wood" is the lowest deer kill county in the state... There aren't many to find, but we look for the a lot. :)


Staff member
I'm just going through the motions at this point. Only hope I have is that I've had my best hunts from this tree in the evenings. Probably get skunked.


Senior Member
Athens County
Oh so close.

Saw a shooter of a ten about 7:15. He was 90 yards out. After thinking about it, i decided not to let one rip(j/k. Ha). Back on point...

He was moving at a decent clip the wrong way. I hit him with a grunt, followed by a snort wheeze. He went bird dog and zig zagged his way to about ten yards, full throttle. Couldnt get that horny bastard to stop for a shot. Lucky fuggar.

Zilch, nothing, nada after that. The wind sucked ass. I swear it changed 3 times. Wasnt anticipating it to b that strong.

Settling in somewhere this afternoon.

Good luck fellars


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Still hanging in there but I did switch stands. As I approached my hang in there were three doe feeding right in front of it. I snuck through the high weeds to about 20-25 yards from them. They finally bound off when mama caught me. She left some stank around though. Ol girl needs a douche

Gonna hang here for awhile and maybe hook up with kody. I think he's coming out after school with my dad. Prob sit with him where I did this morning and let Old Scout do his thing... Scout the field from the wood line.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
3 hours and a mile round trip of walking and did not see a single deer. I would walk and plop down for 30-45min. and move another couple hundred yards and start all over again. Never kicked any deer up the entire time. I did see about 15 turkey go bustin out of the woods and sounded like a football team running thru the leaves. Fuggin filthy birds anyway.

I think the deer moved to the other side of the farm with this wind change so I will take a look over there here pretty soon.


It's go time. First time I've been out since Sunday and first time back in this setup since last Wednesday. Hopin for some action. Quiet as a morgue out here

Big Weff

Junior Member
Forgot my damned release... really the first time out since early season on account of we just moved into our new:place and shits been crazy with all the moving and such. Great way to kick it back off. Guess il just bear hand it tonight haha
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