Probably not more than. 5-10 in there. A couple rats can make a lot of sign
That makes sense, and mine are at 3. The first one was my fault using a light trap it was a 1 .65 Bridger set more for fox. I watched a litter raised this summer and was hoping to grab one of them, and ended up with a empty catch circle full of coyote tracks. This time I truly don't know how it came out it was a #2 duke my wax paper was in the jaws and I'm wondering if it was the reason he got loose. It wasn't much of a catch circle so he wasn't there long.I changed something this year. Ran two traps in same location . One with 4lbs of pan tension one with 1.5-2.
Had a pull out on the 2lb and coyote in the 4lb. And on a properly tuned trap a fox and large coon will still set off a 4 lb pan tension so all my yote traps will have higher pan tensions from now on
I run all my yote traps at 4#. I experimented with different poundages and had a couple pull out so I went to 4# and so far everything that's stepped in them is still there when I get there.