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Jakes 2014\15 trapping and fur journal


spencerville oh
IMG_20141117_125224.jpg Well I only had two box traps out in a ditch that had a little rat sign in it and caught two more last night. I pulled them today after working 20 hours plowing snow, witch sucked but it was nice to come home and have a rat in each trap. I hate too over trap them out of this ditch this is the first rat sign I've seen around my place in years so I truly don't know how many too take from a spot. Any help would be appreciated I don't want to trap them out. What's your guys thoughts. The main run is only maybe 50 feet in length and according to the bubbles under the ice there seems to only be two den holes?


spencerville oh
Probably not more than. 5-10 in there. A couple rats can make a lot of sign

That's what I was thinking. I'm going to leave them alone and try another ditch that shows more sign. I don't want to trap them out. I'm the only one with permission to trap it so I'm going to leave what's left in there.


Senior Member
I'm not seeing hardly any rats around. All the places I trap the farmers want them gone. So I'm expected to trap As many as I can. One crick I trapped last year is completely rat less. So apparently I did a good job for him last year. Ha


spencerville oh
I had another coyote pull out of the only set I had out. This is the second one of the year kinda frustrating. But chit happens. I did set 8 coon sets out today so I hope too pick up a few with the temps being up. I had all my other sets pulled other than the one yote set so all I have out now are the eight coon sets. I hope things pick up this week.


Senior Member
I changed something this year. Ran two traps in same location . One with 4lbs of pan tension one with 1.5-2.

Had a pull out on the 2lb and coyote in the 4lb. And on a properly tuned trap a fox and large coon will still set off a 4 lb pan tension so all my yote traps will have higher pan tensions from now on


spencerville oh
IMG_20141124_160731.jpgIMG_20141124_160751.jpgPicked up 2 more coon lastnight. I only had a handful out wished I had more out but I ran out time over the weekend hunting with the kids. I go too nights starting Sunday so maybe get more sets out and some snares.


spencerville oh
I changed something this year. Ran two traps in same location . One with 4lbs of pan tension one with 1.5-2.

Had a pull out on the 2lb and coyote in the 4lb. And on a properly tuned trap a fox and large coon will still set off a 4 lb pan tension so all my yote traps will have higher pan tensions from now on
That makes sense, and mine are at 3. The first one was my fault using a light trap it was a 1 .65 Bridger set more for fox. I watched a litter raised this summer and was hoping to grab one of them, and ended up with a empty catch circle full of coyote tracks. This time I truly don't know how it came out it was a #2 duke my wax paper was in the jaws and I'm wondering if it was the reason he got loose. It wasn't much of a catch circle so he wasn't there long.


Senior Member
I run all my yote traps at 4#. I experimented with different poundages and had a couple pull out so I went to 4# and so far everything that's stepped in them is still there when I get there.


spencerville oh
I run all my yote traps at 4#. I experimented with different poundages and had a couple pull out so I went to 4# and so far everything that's stepped in them is still there when I get there.

I may set mine up to 4 lbs it makes good sense. They are here at home not having time to get them back out till next week. Kinda discouraged after having educated three coyotes already this year and not having any fur yet and a lost trap lol.


spencerville oh
So far tally is
coon 19
rats 4
cats 2
grinners 1
coyote 3 fugg ups
fox 0
I hope the whether stays open and warms a little.I go to nights next week so I will have time to get more sets out and run them.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Watching you guys daily. Good luck Jake and Ricer. Not typing a lot, but watching you guys daily.


spencerville oh
IMG_20141130_095442.jpgThree more rats this morning. I set a new ditch yesterday with 8 traps three leg holds and five box traps. I also set a yote set along the same ditch. So I'm hoping it connects soon. As far as coon sets I only have three out around a old barn that I've already caught five out of going to set more today. I'm liking this rat trapping just wish there was more of them.


spencerville oh
Caught another rat today. I think my hole is running dry fast. I left them one more night along with a coyote set that was pawed over. He didn't dig anything up but he pawed a little dirt off the top of the wax paper so I covered it back up I hope to have him in the morning.