So 73 or the 88 counties had a reduction. The average decrease for the 73 counties was 30.7%. Mercer saw the worst decline at 74.3%. On the flip side Champaign had an increase of 80%.
So as we debate the reason(s) for the decline and weather is tossed around, I decided to look at the weather records from this seasons 4 days of muzzy and last years 4 days of muzzy. I looked at Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. Each of the 4 days for these 3 cities had a colder mean temperature last season when compared to this season. The average of the mean temperatures that were recorded for the 4 days in each of these cities last season was 17.4. This season the same average is 20.6. The winds were comparable with last years average being 7.3 mph and this years being 7.4. Snow accumulations were also comparable from the records. I know in NE OH we did get some significant lake effect last Saturday that isn't captured in my numbers.
So with this insight, unless the archived data at the weather underground is not accurate, the decline isn't weather related. Well, that is unless many hunters decided to hunt in colder temps last year than they were willing to do this year

So it is down to mass crop vs. herd numbers...