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Ricers 2014-2015 Trapping Happenings


Senior Member
Pulled everything in preparation for the OT next week. Things were moving last night. Haha. 3 grinners, a cat, a skunk, and one big ole coon.
23 coon
26 rats
2 mink
20 grinners
3 skunks
3 less cats
1 blue jay
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Senior Member
I got 16 DPs out today and two mink boxes. I been having trouble with fox digging my traps up so since I had them all pulled I reboiled them and rewaxed them so they will be ready to go after the holidays. I'm gonna order a dozen snares TOO so I can put a few of those out.
Mink boxes
Cooking them up.
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Senior Member
Yeah Zach. After our talk on the phone I think you're onto something. I got on Craigslist last night and located a roaster like the one we talked about. I'm picking it up after I check traps this morning, cost me a whole $10.00. Haha. It will cost me more to fill it with wax than what the roaster is gonna cost me. Gotta love that!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Don, not telling you what to do, but if you are heating your wax over a fire, that may be why fox are digging you up. I believe I had this problem back in the day. Switched to a gas burner from Odd Lots. The roaster idea sounds pretty swell.

If you are going to order snares, you may as well order 2 or 3 dozen since you gotta pay postage anyhow. You know it's addicting after the first catch. Especially when you get to see one alive.


Senior Member
Don, not telling you what to do, but if you are heating your wax over a fire, that may be why fox are digging you up. I believe I had this problem back in the day. Switched to a gas burner from Odd Lots. The roaster idea sounds pretty swell.

If you are going to order snares, you may as well order 2 or 3 dozen since you gotta pay postage anyhow. You know it's addicting after the first catch. Especially when you get to see one alive.

I don't look at it like you're telling me what to do at all bud. I'm learning here and these damn fox have me pulling my hair out trying to figure out why they are digging my traps up. I'm gonna boil the wax off that I just put on yesterday and ditch that wax and order some new wax today. I picked that toaster up from that fella but don't know if it's gonna work or not. It may not be deep enough and be too long and flat.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I had a gas burner from odd lots. A gas camping stove will work as well. Harbor Freight carry gas burners as well. I had a roasting pan (Chili Pot Type) that I used. Could dip 3 and 4 traps at a time.

Nothing is worse than fox digging up your sets!


spencerville oh
I'm having the same problem with my canine sets and I'm starting over today also. Boil redye and wax. I also picked up six # 2s that I pulled out of the rusting solution yesterday and going to get them ready as well. Good luck with the diggers.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Don a lot of Fox and yotes will dig up your traps if they smell any bait on them.Some guys will use the same gloves setting and baiting and that is a big no no.if not just make sure your traps don't come in contact with your bait it only takes a small odor on the trap to make them dig.


Senior Member
I never use the same gloves. Actually I bait and lure my sets without gloves on at all. But just to be safe I'm getting new gloves too so I can check that off the list.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good idea Don and I would say if you are getting digouts more than likely you are leaving a lure or bait odor on your traps.That's usually the main culprit to digouts other than the trap not being seated tightly.Any little wobble of the trap and they will dig it up.
Not that I am any pro-trapper but the two fox I caught years ago I was having the same problem with them being dug up or rolled on. Once I started using rubber gloves sprayed with scent killer to set the traps that's when I found success. For the bait I had several sets in a line back to the house so that when I got done with the last set is when I baited all of them on the way back.


Senior Member
I'm waiting on my new bait, lure, wax and snares to get here so all I have out are some coon traps and a couple mink boxes. I did catch a couple coon last night and I'm hoping they run even better tonight with the warmer temps and chance of rain.
25 coon
26 rats
2 mink
21 grinners
3 skunks
3 less cats
1 blue jay