We have a month long rifle season here in NH so Ive been around rifles most of life. The questions you need to ask is how much will you use it and are you planning any other out of state hunts in the future. If you're only going to PA this year than I'd probably just do what was cheapest. Do you think you'll ever go on a big game rifle hunt for moose, bear, elk, etc..? If so 30-06 and 308 are good calibers. If you're only hunting deer Id suggest a 270. It has close to the knock down power of a bigger caliber but its still fast & flat enough to reach out and touch one if need be. If you want a cheap rifle the Remington model 700s are OK. You can get a package deal with a scope for under $500. I don't think they are as good as they used to be but still OK. I think the quality dipped a little when they started mass producing them for box stores like Walmart. If you're willing to spend some more cash I'd look at Browning. I bought a X-bolt 270 last year and it's my favorite rifle I've owned. Adjustable trigger, smooth shooting and not much recoil. With 150 grain bullets it packs plenty of punch. Hope this helps.