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Anyone ever get in a coyote den?


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Yes, things are dried up. It doesn't look like any of this is going to happen though. Someone said I shouldn't of asked the GW... They were right.

To add to this, he also told me he would write me a ticket for harassment of wildlife if I decided to climb a tree and shake nest out. Hunt by traditional means, do not go digging up the ground to do so. A lot more than just coyotes utilize those dens. He told me to do like someone here mentioned about setting up a trail camera at the hole to see what the coyotes were carrying in and out.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Told you it would be considered harassment of wildlife. It's BS and I don't think it should apply to critters that have no closed season or a bag limit but it does when they want it to. If they can chump up a charge and write a ticket they will.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Told you it would be considered harassment of wildlife. It's BS and I don't think it should apply to critters that have no closed season or a bag limit but it does when they want it to. If they can chump up a charge and write a ticket they will.

You were right! I also think you're right. I'm glad none of it came back to bite me in the ass though. Lol


Dignitary Member
Staff member
To add to this, he also told me he would write me a ticket for harassment of wildlife if I decided to climb a tree and shake nest out. Hunt by traditional means, do not go digging up the ground to do so. A lot more than just coyotes utilize those dens. He told me to do like someone here mentioned about setting up a trail camera at the hole to see what the coyotes were carrying in and out.

He can write all he wants that shit would never hold up. I know a few guys that run jack Russell's for groundhogs. They den the groundhog with the dog and then dig it up. As for the "traditional hunting method "bullshit I have never seen that in the Ohio revised code. Anything not expressly forbidden by law is legal. nowhere in the law under the hunting of coyotes or groundhogs does it say that you have to prescribe to traditional hunting methods. Furthermore the digging up of dens is about as traditional as it gets a tactic predating the firearm, archery, an even the spear. The absence of any type of specific method being the only legal method means everything is legal. The only way this warden would have a snowballs chance in hell of making that ticket stick would be if the den was on public land. Him trying to say other species such as rabbits live in that hole can be negated by reasonable suspicion. If you have a reasonable suspicion to believe that a coyote lives in there and not a rabbit then you're free and clear. Reasonable suspicion can be something as simple as "I saw a coyote go in that hole" or there are bones scattered about the hole.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
He can write all he wants that shit would never hold up. I know a few guys that run jack Russell's for groundhogs. They den the groundhog with the dog and then dig it up. As for the "traditional hunting method "bullshit I have never seen that in the Ohio revised code. Anything not expressly forbidden by law is legal. nowhere in the law under the hunting of coyotes or groundhogs does it say that you have to prescribe to traditional hunting methods. Furthermore the digging up of dens is about as traditional as it gets a tactic predating the firearm, archery, an even the spear. The absence of any type of specific method being the only legal method means everything is legal. The only way this warden would have a snowballs chance in hell of making that ticket stick would be if the den was on public land. Him trying to say other species such as rabbits live in that hole can be negated by reasonable suspicion. If you have a reasonable suspicion to believe that a coyote lives in there and not a rabbit then you're free and clear. Reasonable suspicion can be something as simple as "I saw a coyote go in that hole" or there are bones scattered about the hole.

I see what your saying. Is this really worth getting in a pissing match over? It isn't worth it to me. I've caught enough shit from you guys on this, the last thing on my mind is going back and forth with the law on this. Could you see me standing in court trying to explain this to a judge….LOL

"Now son, you did what? Did you talk with anyone about this idea before you went into this den?"
"Sure did your honor, I spoke with a bunch of people! The GW told me he'd write me a ticket if I did it, then these guys online told me he was wrong. So I did it anyways…"
"Well son, your just stupid and no law can protect you from that, pay this fine and loose your hunting privileges for a year."


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Where are the pics of this alleged den anyways? Damn man, I'm about to climb in the thing just to shut this thread up. Have you at least put a camera on it yet?


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Where are the pics of this alleged den anyways? Damn man, I'm about to climb in the thing just to shut this thread up. Have you at least put a camera on it yet?

I seriously don't see what a pic would do? I don't have any pics of the hole in the ground.

I think you have the most post on this thread…sooooo…..

Both my cams got stolen a couple weeks ago (maybe why I can't find any more sheds…) and my wife said I have to wait for tax returns to get another one.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Well shit.

ORC 1533.02

(D) No person shall take a wild bird or wild quadruped from its nest, house, den, or burrow, or destroy such a nest, house, den, or burrow, or with a spear hunt, pursue, injure, or kill any wild bird or wild quadruped except as otherwise provided in this chapter or Chapter 1531. of the Revised Code or by division rule. Each wild bird or wild quadruped or each hide, skin, or pelt of any such wild bird or wild quadruped, or part thereof, taken or had in possession contrary to this section constitutes a separate offense.

On a side note you can't hunt rabbits with a ferret. Unless you own a fruit farm or tree nursery or acting on behalf of one. Then you can send ferrets down rabbit holes. Anyone know of a tree or fruit farm with a rabbit problem. I deer to God I'll go find the meanest most killer ferret I can find and we'll send that dude down the hole.