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Week 1 of retirement


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looks like everything retirement should be about. Doing what you enjoy. Spending time with friends. Smiles all around. Good for you J!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Looks like everything retirement should be about. Doing what you enjoy. Spending time with friends. Smiles all around. Good for you J!

Thanks Phil, you're right I haven't been on a boat with these two together in 2 years and forgot what a great time it is with these two characters lol...... Shawn is the guy I fish with in the tournaments and Greg is the guy who sets them up...... He has a rod building business he does on the side.... Good guy and great friend.....


Junior Member
I retired in 2002 at age 57 , when they told me I could get about the same money for staying home that was it! My only adjustment was turning off the alarm clock . I took up a few jobs around the house to help the wife, the floors are mine and I know how to run the washer! We fish spend time traveling and spend time with family and friends , I hunt when I get the urge life is good and you do only get one shot on this earth with this life!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm a house husband for now, the wife goes too work and everything else is done when she gets home, a complete reverse of the last 30+ years.... She's always worked, part time when the kids were young and full time for the last 15 years.... Do all the house work and cooking (which I suck at compared too her) which she likes but isn't as good as hers but she doesn't have too do it lol....

But still have time for the range and on the boat and visit some good friends in between.... Still waiting for them checks too show up lmao....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
You go Boy!
I'm thankful to be able to live vicariously through your current retirement J.
Let me know when you run out of projects around the house! lol


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
You go Boy!
I'm thankful to be able to live vicariously through your current retirement J.
Let me know when you run out of projects around the house! lol

Slow and steady wins the race Jim..... rotflmao Rome wasn't built in a day ya know...... rotflmao

Projects come and go, pick something easy complete it and relax and think about the next one.... Lots of time too think, in between walking the dog, fishing and enjoying my solitude :smiley_coolpeace: Walking the dog for 3 miles a day and enjoying the scenery that comes with it..... Gotta head out too Boardman too do some checking on stuff then painting the basement entry that was the color of the old trim before we sided the house...... Picking up some window glazing too take care of a couple of garage windows will be for tomorrow.....

When you heading back too the patch Jim?


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
A body at rest tends to stay at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion. If you don't use it you lose it! Way to go Ole Retired Guy! :pickle:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Unless acted upon by an equal or opposite force. In my case, that's laziness. Lol.

What surprises me is I haven't had the TV on once since I've retired and been here by myself lmao.....

Just had a late lunch with a turkey, chicken (some kind of yogurt cheese) and ham wrap... While checking in here.... Heading out too glaze here in a few then start thinking about dinner :smiley_coolpeace:

Fishing a tourney tomorrow evening down on the river so that'll be good too......


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Nice week so far, fished a tourney down on the Ohio River Wednesday evening from 5-9 and weighed fish just nothing worth a check lol.... Temps had dropped and so had the water temps from the previous week where I'd been doing pretty good.....

Caught half a dozen with only two keepers and one missed at the boat lol....

Had a great evening out with my wife Friday and then up early Saturday for a trip too the big lake (Erie).... Was on the water by 6:45 and on fish not too long after that..... Was on par as last weekend with more bass and less sheep head lol.... More rock bass though.... Spent most of the time on the main lake with a short trip into the break walls when the main lake wind died and it got too be like glass out there.....

Wind picked back up and we were back on them.... We were averaging 1-2 fish per drift and we were seeing the good ones in 12-14' of water with some coming out of 20'.... All in all we had a great day and no damage too anyone or any equipment lol... That's a good day lol..... Made it home by 6:30 and out for a light dinner with the wife.....

Little sore this morning but ibuprofen and coffee will do the trick lol..... Heading out for a 3 mile walk with the wife and dog here in a little bit..... Hope y'all's weekend is a good one......

Some of my buddy Shawn's catches




And some of mine





Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Spent the day detailing my boat motor (was looking a little sad) the back of the motor had the sticker half worn off and decided too do a little maintenance on it.... Went too an auto parts store and picked up a plastic scraper and goo be gone and whittled away at it for some time and then cleaned it up and rubbed it out with a coat of wax and then added a sticker from a buddy of mine who makes custom fishing rods.... He's sponsored me in the past for some tournaments and I put a couple of his stickers on my boat for some advertising.....


All cleaned up


Lining it up


The finished product.... Should add a few miles per hour with the mod.....lmao....

Was going too fish a tourney down on the river last night but with the threat of thunderstorms and me fishing by my self I thought better of it.... The ramp is pretty tore up from the winter ice flow so putting in by yourself is a bit of a chore let alone in a thunder storm lol.... Getting older and wiser sucks lol
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Dick you're 100% right with that statement lol... Have a tournament on Erie this Saturday and just getting everything ready at my own pace instead being hurried after work too make time too get stuff done..... I'm liking this lol


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, I stared at the boat this morning figuring it needs some elbow grease and washed and waxed it and finished up with a little detailing around the drivers console and all the plastic and rubber parts.... It looks a whole lot better and will be ready for the Erie tournament.... It's supposed too rain and I think I'll pressure wash the carpet afterwards, figure what the hell it'll be soaked anyways lol.... Little shop vac action and it'll be dry in a couple days.....