The camera didn't have a password protection on it and I really think it didn't get many pics on it after I put it up. While setting it up and going through the menu it shut off twice because of low batteries and we didn't have any more as we were on our way back to Mich the day we put it up. It was on though when I left it so who knows what they got. Hope the poison oak I got hanging those No Trespassing signs was worth it.
I have some advice for you: Do not ask your wife if she will get a pot of water boiling so we can fix up some chickens for dinner tomorrow.
No you didn't!!!!!
What? That was the plan when they quit laying eggs. Unfortunately, she was not having it. Not sure we want to eat chickens gnawed on by the dog anyway. Dump thread was the only place this really fit. Erin is all upset and I will never hear the end of it. The kids on the other hand. . . .Let's just say when Momma went to bed, my daughter came to me laughing. She said "Only us. Only we could have something like this happen to us. I know I shouldn't be laughing, but dad, you know we all hated those chickens." I assured her she better get her laughter out. As much a pain in the butt as the chickens were to the rest of us, my wife really enjoyed having them.
" I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man with no feet"...
One of my Co-men recently bought a home. It came with some acreage, a barn and 2 full grown lamas. His dog ( part Great Dane, part Irish Wolf hound) has had it in for the lamas since day 1. Every time the dogs gets lose it heads for those lamas. Well a couple weeks ago he not only got after em, he took down one and killed it before they could get him (the dog off)...
No point. Just came to mind after reading your story Phil...