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Live from the stand!

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Have seen a total of 6 different deer.

1 small buck just as we where getting strapped in. Then had three button bucks come through, then saw a solo doe with a shooter 10 not far behind her.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Taking the next 3 days off too recharge the batteries, got skunked on both morning and evening sits yesterday....

Goose hunt in the morning with a buddy from work and then Sunday have a bass tourney down on the river for the grand finale.....

Back at it Monday morning....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Seems I just hit a wall. Skunked last night. Skunked this morning. Got down from climber this morning and did a little snooping/scouting. It verified everything I had been thinking. I am where I need to be. Just not quite time yet. Outside of rubs (and they were some good ones), and one weak looking scrape, I am not seeing rutting sign. Yes, sign on trees and ground. No, not any rutting sign via deer behavior. Does are doing doe stuff. Bucks are hanging together.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No hunting for me today, or any this week. I glassed a farm last night where I can usually see a ton of 'em. Saw 5 at last light. This morning, I went over to glass the farm we are hunting at sunrise. Saw three bucks, two small ones and one that looked pretty good - as wide as his ears. The two small ones sparred a little, the bigger one just wanted to get to bed. Also saw a doe and two fawns. Pete and AJ got skunked last night and this morning. :(


Okay guys, trying to decide if I should shoot a fall Tom or not. I have a decent size double beard and another with a paddle for a beard and I'm trying to decide if I should persue one or not. What would you do?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I'd shoot it, I'm going after a longbeard I got pinned down tomorrow evening. I already killed a buck so I gotta hunt something Lol. I'm going to try and ambush him coming to the roost.
Okay guys, trying to decide if I should shoot a fall Tom or not. I have a decent size double beard and another with a paddle for a beard and I'm trying to decide if I should persue one or not. What would you do?

I guess I would ask why would you opt not to chase them? Seasons in give them hell.........Fall birds are a little trickier you got to get them on very tight patterns and just wait them at either the dinner table or their bedroom


Every day they are feeding in the plot between 3-4 pm. Know the exact trail they are coming in and going out of down to a T cause they do it 4 times a week for the past 3 weeks now. I just don't know if I should kill one now or if I should wait till spring to try and get one since the population was super low in my area and is now finally starting to rebound and grow. I have a total of 7 males and 4 hens coming into the plot through out the day, the Tom's are in there about 4 days a week and the hens are sporadic. 3 long beards and 4 older Jakes. I also am iffy on it because I would like to get either of the big ones mounted but don't know if there will be problems with retaining feathers in the mount because they are fall and not like my spring mount.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Good luck guys. Something is going to die tonight. I feel it in the air. I'm not out, but mark my works, one of you will score.
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