I've been getting screwed the past 3 weeks except for this evening on the weather. It gets cold as hell during the week then warms back up on the weekends. Fuggin afternoon shift.With this nasty weather coming in, you guys running corn should have some good opportunities in the next week. Good luck out there!
Yep, we both had to watch them slip away lolOpened this thread with high hopes. Bummer Chad and Rick.
I've been getting screwed the past 3 weeks except for this evening on the weather. It gets cold as hell during the week then warms back up on the weekends. Fuggin afternoon shift.
I just wish I'd get a buck on camera to hunt. Dang...
Nothing but doe. Not even little bucks.
My job cancelled for today. They gonna force me to hunt this evening again......
Ya buddy! Hopefully this frigid weather makes him cross that fence!My job cancelled for today. They gonna force me to hunt this evening again......
My job cancelled for today. They gonna force me to hunt this evening again......