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chew, snuff, chaw, dip, etc

Im rolling up on 8 months without a chew. Not so sure how long this will last to be honest. I could go buy a can right now and not give a shit.

Man you made it that far you have proven you can live without it. I haven't had one in 7 years now. Do I want it every now and then?? Yea of course!! I can still taste it. Is the guilt of admitting defeat worth it? Absolutely not. Hang in there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Definitely hang in there Dustin. You have come a long way brother. Time will come around when you will be glad you never gave in.


Senior Member
I chewed for over 10 years, quit for 5 years, and like a total fucking idiot, started again. chewed for 11 more years before I quit for good 18 months ago. hang tough and stay off this garbage.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Don't be a Phil. These guys are making me feel bad about my crappy stand. That is a good thing. I needed to hear it.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Day 600 without a dip or any type of nicotine! I still have dip dreams where I wake up panicking that I caved! That shit is worse than crack!

HAHAHAHA, dip dreams, I had a few and was pissed as hell when I woke up too before realizing it didn't happen! Thought I was the only one that had a few of those!

Stay strong guys, you can do it! Imagine all the money you'll save! Start putting $3 dollars into a jar(a big one)in the same schedule you had when you bought a can and watch it pile up! I was on a can lasting about 5 days so I was lucky! I was even to the point towards the end if I had a big cud of dip that was only 1-2 hours old I'd take it out and save it before eating then putting it back in after I was done for another 1-2 hours. The panic attacks after finding the white blisters in my cheeks and gums got very taxing on me and moving it around to different places in my mouth was getting old too!

I look at it like this, I can still prolly get cancer after quitting but my chances are better of prevention if I do quit. I enjoyed it for 34 plus years and got lucky till now so why chance it any longer! We're all getting older and our bodies are more prone to illness and cancer each and every year we get older so why add fuel to the fire. Take the money you save and buy something you really want with it.....now that's motivation! Good luck with it people, you can do it!!!

Phil, you can do it buddy!


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
The dude I work with chews wintergreen Grizzly. It had been so long since I've smelt the can of chew. I went over to his table to open up the can of chew.... Hallelujah song came on! within two seconds I hurried to close the can of chew. Ah man...it smell so good. Don't worry guys....I didn't put any chew in, lol.


*Supporting Member*
heres how you know its a bad addiction. If they could do a test and tell me I wasnt going to get cancer from it, I would sleep with the shit in my mouth.

I haven't had a dip in about a month. Wahoo!


*Supporting Member*
Stress levels at an all time high really makes a guy want a dip. My "fuck it" button is pushed at the moment. Holding off tho.


*Supporting Member*
welp I broke down and Im chewing cope southern blend.......... try quiting again starts next tuesday.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I ran outta chew on Easter, and didn't really have time to stop and get any. And I never really got the craving for one, so I said screw it. I haven't had a chew since, and it's really not bothering me at all.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I had quit for a while and then started again at the TOO event at Strouds. Smoked until I got pretty sick last month...haven't had one since. Been drinking a couple times and wanted to real bad and still didn't. I might have it kicked this time!


*Supporting Member*
I ran outta chew on Easter, and didn't really have time to stop and get any. And I never really got the craving for one, so I said screw it. I haven't had a chew since, and it's really not bothering me at all.

thats how I am. I quit for weeks at a time maybe bum a dip off a buddy but thats all. Then today I was running the saw all day out back and just felt a chew was needed. dammit!