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chew, snuff, chaw, dip, etc


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am quitting. Not saying I am done yet. I am quitting though. Been weaning myself from chew. Down to two dips a day. Sometimes one. Sometimes 3. Mostly 2. Trying to put in smaller chews and not leave them in as long when I do have a dip in. When I get the urge I fight it for a couple hours if I can before giving in. Nicotine withdrawal was real bad the first week. Despite still dipping a couple a day I was having withdraw symptoms JUST in cutting back. Yes. I was chewing a LOT prior. I feel like it is more the habit than the nicotine at this point. When I whittle down to one a day or none I will find out if it is the nicotine or the habit.

No vapor stuff. No fake chew. No patches. No Chantix. Just old fashioned cut back and then cold turkey it. Been going thru bite size licorice, life savers, breath mints, orange gumdrops, and just about anything to stay chew free. Wish me luck fellas. Been 22 years in the making. If it takes me a few weeks or couple months, I don't care.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good luck Phil! If Ron and I can do it after about 35 years you can! It's tough as anything to kick but once you get past the first week it gets better. Once your past the first month it's a breeze! Still miss it but after being off it just over 2 years I hardly think of it anymore until I get around those who do it at deer camp and TOO outings but I still stay strong and hold my ground knowing I can never go back! Just one dip would prolly have me hooked again and I suffered waaaaay too long getting off that shit to have to try and get off it again!

Hang tough and good luck buddy!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Good Luck Phil. Its tough but obtainable. After 72 hrs cold turkey....it got easier. #1 bad move in my opinion "just one more". No more is no more. You can do it brother!


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Good luck Phil. I need to quit the Skoal. I was a smoker for almost 20 years and used the Skoal to kick that habit a little over 2 years ago. Was supposed to be temporary just to get off the smokes but now I have a chew in pretty much constantly when I'm awake.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
I will hit my 7 month mark on the 9th. Its tough and I feel like I could put one back in at anytime. Good luck brother.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Good for you Dustin! Your gaining ground buddy.
Quitting is easy....it's staying quit that's hard. But it gets better.
I get a boost when I'm in line at the gas station. Person in front of me gets 3 packs of smokes and very little change out of a 20.....I like it that much more.


Senior Member
I am quitting. Not saying I am done yet. I am quitting though. Been weaning myself from chew. Down to two dips a day. Sometimes one. Sometimes 3. Mostly 2. Trying to put in smaller chews and not leave them in as long when I do have a dip in. When I get the urge I fight it for a couple hours if I can before giving in. Nicotine withdrawal was real bad the first week. Despite still dipping a couple a day I was having withdraw symptoms JUST in cutting back. Yes. I was chewing a LOT prior. I feel like it is more the habit than the nicotine at this point. When I whittle down to one a day or none I will find out if it is the nicotine or the habit.

No vapor stuff. No fake chew. No patches. No Chantix. Just old fashioned cut back and then cold turkey it. Been going thru bite size licorice, life savers, breath mints, orange gumdrops, and just about anything to stay chew free. Wish me luck fellas. Been 22 years in the making. If it takes me a few weeks or couple months, I don't care.

that's exactly how I did it. took me about a month to get down to one chew a day, which I always saved until after dinner. one chew a day for a couple of weeks. I finally got down to the end of the can, and just never bought any more. the first two weeks were the worst. cravings got less and less after that. has been about 18 months, and I don't miss it one little bit. don't waiver. you can do it.


Staff member
Reading all this with a fat wad of Redman Select thinking I need to do the same. It's been one vice after another for since I was 16. Quit one, start another. Quit it and pick up something else. I never chewed much until I quit smoking and went to work where everyone dipped. I can't do snuff and have always liked Redman, so that took over. Someday soon I'll join the Quitters Club!


Senior Member
I'm not exactly an old man just yet, but I ain't 25 any more either. my perspective about a great many things has changed considerably in the last 10 years, since I was approaching 40. the aches and pains come easer and linger a bit longer, I get tired a little sooner than I used to, etc., etc. point being, I'm more and more aware, and more concerned/careful about my health now. it's all part of realizing your own mortality, I suppose. giving up nicotine amounts to one less thing that is killing me now. you'll quit when you are ready, and not one minute sooner. youth is totally wasted on young people. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm not exactly an old man just yet, but I ain't 25 any more either. my perspective about a great many things has changed considerably in the last 10 years, since I was approaching 40. the aches and pains come easer and linger a bit longer, I get tired a little sooner than I used to, etc., etc. point being, I'm more and more aware, and more concerned/careful about my health now. it's all part of realizing your own mortality, I suppose. giving up nicotine amounts to one less thing that is killing me now. you'll quit when you are ready, and not one minute sooner. youth is totally wasted on young people. :)

Bingo! I'm checked at the dentist, always rinse after chewing, have nothing physically ailing me making me want to quit. Be nice to see the acid reflux reduced I guess. Just a matter of recognizing we are closer to the end than the beginning. Might as well extend it as long as we can. No sense in prematurely dying. I'd like to enjoy my kids as long as possible, and hopefully my grand kids someday.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm not exactly an old man just yet, but I ain't 25 any more either. my perspective about a great many things has changed considerably in the last 10 years, since I was approaching 40. the aches and pains come easer and linger a bit longer, I get tired a little sooner than I used to, etc., etc. point being, I'm more and more aware, and more concerned/careful about my health now. it's all part of realizing your own mortality, I suppose. giving up nicotine amounts to one less thing that is killing me now. you'll quit when you are ready, and not one minute sooner. youth is totally wasted on young people. :)

Great post! AMEN


Staff member
Due to loss of employment, my supplemental life insurance of $50K really wasn't sufficient, so I recently changed insurance providers in an effort to save money and fine the best deal on term life insurance. In order to get a great rate on $250K ($28/month) of 20-year term life, I had to have an in home physical complete with urine and blood testing. So that meant a good 7 days with no nicotine. I was good except for Sunday when I was at the farm shed hunting. One would think I should just keep on keeping on, but I have 2 fresh pouches of Redman Select in the truck just calling my name! lmao


Staff member
Just had an interview that went well. Hopped in the truck, cranked up some Tool and threw in a fat chaw. For the moment, life is good.


*Supporting Member*
good stuff Jesse!

I am actually doing really well. I think I am 2 or 3 weeks off the stuff. I even made it to the farm and back without a chew, that has never been done before!


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Im rolling up on 8 months without a chew. Not so sure how long this will last to be honest. I could go buy a can right now and not give a shit.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Im rolling up on 8 months without a chew. Not so sure how long this will last to be honest. I could go buy a can right now and not give a shit.

Don't do it Dustin. That is a great start. You are doing tons better than me. Wish I could say what you just typed.