Actually the neighbor down the road has it and it is in MINT condition.....his dog found it in 2006 and carried it up to the house and was chewing on it! I have held it in my hands before! I know the guy pretty well, so I am going to talk to him about getting it from him.....I would be willing to trade damn near anything to get it!
I have had sheds from other guys' bucks before and just given them to the guy that killed the buck just because I feel it's the right thing to do. If I could get this other shed, then I would definitely get a mount done.
Also, I know of 2 other guys that have sheds off of what I believe to be this buck from the year prior to 2005....but it is just heresay, I haven't actually held them or looked at them.
Until yesterday that is......
I got to put one of them up to my antler and it is a guaranteed match (mine is on the left). I am working on the guy to get the antler, and both of the other guys with the 2nd set.
Funny thing about it is I know all 3 guys that have the 3 antlers.....and not one of them is giving them up easily! I plan on making some offers that are more than generous for them, we will just have to wait and see. If anybody has any ideas on talking these guys into bartering, let me know. I figure cash talks best, but I have a couple nice guns I would be willing to let go just to have these sheds.
The guy with this shed even had 2 trail cam pics of the deer he gave me. Kind of hard to judge the size of the bases from the picture, but they are both over 6".
I am going to go and talk to owner # 3 tonite and see the one he has.