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The TOO dump thread


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Decided to take the boat out trolling yesterday. The big catfish were active. Unfortunately, on the last fish of the day, a 26" cat ended up snapping about the top 6" of my $300 St. Croix rod. I do have a lifetime warranty, but shit gets expensive with getting a shipping tube, paying shipping and a $20 fee.


Senior Member
Decided to take the boat out trolling yesterday. The big catfish were active. Unfortunately, on the last fish of the day, a 26" cat ended up snapping about the top 6" of my $300 St. Croix rod. I do have a lifetime warranty, but shit gets expensive with getting a shipping tube, paying shipping and a $20 fee.

1.5"PVC pipe works for that.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Decided to take the boat out trolling yesterday. The big catfish were active. Unfortunately, on the last fish of the day, a 26" cat ended up snapping about the top 6" of my $300 St. Croix rod. I do have a lifetime warranty, but shit gets expensive with getting a shipping tube, paying shipping and a $20 fee.
I've got an 8' rod tube from a warranty rod I received last year. If you need it, I can bring it to the shoot.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Appreciate the offers guys. A buddy of a buddy type deal worked for me and the guy actually had a tube that St. Croix sent his repaired rod in last year. I actually went out and measured up that 1.5" PVC and was ready to cut it tonight if I hadnt found one, haha. I price checked some tubes and boxes. I'm in the wrong line of work. The price they put on cardboard shipping containers of all sizes is FUGGIN Crazy!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Went to swap 5 cards yesterday afternoon and the one overlooking my mineral lick got fugged with! It's the one I get the most videos off of as well. They didn't steal the cam but must have took care home and downloaded almost everything then replaced the card. I put 8 brand new Duracell AA batteries in it just 2 weeks ago before the field was planted. The field is now planted and my batteries were dead,card was not inserted all the way in and there was just 2 videos on it of a couple does. I always double check everything before leaving to make sure it's working properly. There's no way a card can pop back out, and new batteries to run all the way down till dead without any images being recorded.

Running recon on a farm where you don't own or have exclusive access to sucks ass!!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
At least they didn't steal it. It sounds like they'll be back though...trying to make it look like your mistake.

That's my thought as well. I'm putting a cam in a less conspicuous place over looking this lick along with a sign warning that if it happens again prepare to face the consequences!

Don't know Chad, I have my suspicions but chose to keep it hush till I have visual proof! I don't mess with anyone else's shit why do they!?!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Because their Asshats Ric that is why.
Do what i did several yrs ago,put a cam up in a tree about 14 feet facing that one,worked for me as i caught the fuggers stealing my cam and treestand.
Went to the neighbor and ask if her son stole my shit,she said no until i showed her the pics,ended up calling the sheriff to get my stuff back.
Karmas a bitch cause the bank took their house over and they are gone but not before the crackhead son stripped all the wiring out of the house.fuggin asshole


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Why would anyone take all that time to do that? How would the batteries die that quick?
How longs the batteries usually last Ric?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Why would anyone take all that time to do that? How would the batteries die that quick?
How longs the batteries usually last Ric?

i have no idea why J! I do know that if I get a ton of video's(which I have been getting the past month or two) that filling up a 4G card hasn't been to difficult in two week soaks. The wallow looks to have hundreds of fresh hoof prints in it and there's still plenty of trace mineral block there as well! Knowing I checked to see if it was working before leaving last check then finding the card not being fully engaged and just two videos on the card dated 6/9 & 6/11(right after my last check) and nothing beyond that with dead batteries makes it a no brainer that someone fugged with it.

I'm going to go back and set up another camera like Brian suggested over looking that camera and catch the POS next time if it happens again.

We shall see!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Last night about 10 pm the wife and I are in bed and hear "boom" out front. Riaght away I say "somebody hit our fucking car". Sure as shit Tara opens the curtain in time for us to see a GMC Envoy pulling a trailer rolling past the Kia that it just smashed and drive straight into the drivers door and front end of my Jeep Liberty. I threw on shorts and ran downstairs and outside to make sure they didn't try and boogie out of there. No Need for that. Their front tire was done for and antifreeze pouring everywhere. I walk around to the drivers door to check on the driver, and this piece of shit is throwing cans of beer in my yard! I said "Dumbass, you might as well finish the things now". This dude was so hammered he couldnt walk. He tried getting out to check his trailer and just stumbled backwards into the road and when his head hit, it sounded like a pumpkin splatting. So he starts bleeding and tries to get in his car and start it. By then somehow the keys were no longer in the ignition and in someone elses possession. So eventually the deputy's get there and this dude claims everyone from me, my neighbor, his buddy's, and the first deputy to arrive has beaten him up. The guy had been down the street about 150 yards helping some other shitheads trim trees and drink a couple 30 packs of Busch Light. They apologized repeatedly saying we tried tp stop him. I told them they must of tried real hard since the fuckstick couldnt even walk. Apparently this is gonna be his 6th or 7th OMVI. The funny thing is the Deputy said his license was valid and he did have insurance. The wife's Kia will need a whole new left rear end and probably a trunk lid. I just wish he would have squared it up better and totaled it out. We were thinking of getting a Minivan for her anyway. But I know they will total the Jeep out. It's a 2007 with 170,000 miles on it and I already fixed up the front end after Tara hit the Buck 2 years ago. Im guessing they will total it out, and I hope I can buy it back cheap enough and fix it myself. Only positive out of this is I thank God he hit my vehicles instead of making down the road and hitting another vehicle on the road and killing someone.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn, that sucks Red... Glad you have a good outlook like Dave mentioned.... Things can be replaced but loved ones can't.... Hopefully the insurance company takes care of your needs....


Senior Member
Glad it all worked out for you Red. Just a minor obstacle in life.

I was once first on scene of a one car accident at 5:30am on a Sunday morning. A car went into the ditch, hit a culvert, rolled across someone's front yard, and came to rest on its roof.

I pulled over to assess the situation to find an 18 year old driver leaning against her vehicle visibly shaking (she was on her way to her job working at the golf course). She had a scratch on her thigh and no other injuries.

I simply tried to keep her calm until the authorities arrived. I told her, "Your lucky to be here, your car can be replaced, and you cannot be replaced."

It was one of the most memorable moments in my life.

Tomorrow's another day......