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The TOO dump thread


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Unneeded expense today... I was being stupid and made a new Vette eat my dust. Bad thing is that I now have a hole in two Pistons! Got it all torn down and found three Pistons in Columbus. I'll be waiting out side their door for them to open in the morning.

Stupid ass! Really upset at myself for this. I know better... I have other shit I need to be doing before vacation. I'm about to go out and put the stock turbo back on the truck and go back to smaller injectors. Obviously I can't keep my foot under control. Back to the basics...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Hmmmm... I wonder if I could use the frame to do the 8' bed conversion. Research is underway...gonna be a long night!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Bummer Dave. This is the reason I had an 8-9yr hiatus from riding motorcycles in the road. Too much fun. Not enough being responsible. It gets expensive and I couldn't risk getting injured or killed.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
So I ended up buying another complete 5.9 this morning. I really couldn't pass up the deal... It was a spare motor he had and is going through a divorce, cash spoke loud and clear.

Anyways, I got it in today and up and running. It's 100% stock and I'm not sure I can handle it already...lol. For some reason I can't get the truck to read RPM's on the tach? It shifts fine through the gears and everything. I could deal with not having a tach, but it won't charge the batteries without it... It's been a long ass two days, I'm showering and going to bed. It's good enough for now.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Dang. You didn't mess around. Dropped in the truck already and everything. Good stuff.

I think it would've been quicker had I just got some sleep! I had to redo a couple things after I fugged them up because I was tired. Now I've been awake so long I can't fall asleep.

It wasn't all that hard to put the new one in, same year and everything. I swapped main brain, AC pump, and injectors. The rest was pretty straight forward plug and play type of stuff.

You can knock these out pretty quick if you pull the front clip off.

I also didn't have much time to get it fixed. As we need the truck to travel to Toledo Friday night.

Damn, typing that made me wonder if I need to swap alternators... I wonder if the relay is bad. I know the 06' is known for tach issues, maybe they aren't related.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Did the front brakes and rotors on the wife's car this morning... Went over to a buddies place and used his garage and after we finished I took him too lunch.... Well after BS'ng and catching up on stuff it'd been about 2 hours.... Came out to leave and had a fuggin parking ticket on the car....WTH??? Apparently it's a 2 hour max parking on the street in Lisbon.... I looked and saw the mark on the tire they use for gauging the time.... I haven't had one of those since I was 20 lol.... And got it In Front of the recruiters office when I was doing paperwork for my enlistment lmao....

Should of known better than to go to Lisbon for a meal lol... I hate that place....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
If your complaint is a parking ticket...I'd say your doing alright!

Oh yeah, life is good... The local shops were asking 350.00 to do brakes and rotors, doing it this way was 137.00.... Plus lunch and of course a parking fine of 10.00 lol


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
On a side note, got an appointment for the doctor for him to see what's up with my elbow... Have a severe case of tendinitis in the right elbow... I've had it before but it's somewhat different this time.... Only hurts when I turn my head too the right.... Something's amiss and gotta get it figured out cause it hurts like a mofo.... Wearing the band on the arm only lessens it where as it removed all pain before.... See what happens.... Might have a neck issue this time I'm thinking.... Hard to get any restful sleep with it....


I've been fighting tendinitis for 6 months. My friend is a physical therapist and gave me some exercises and they help quite a bit. However it still flares up sometimes and it hurts like a mother.