At least someone around here knows what's up with Yamaha.Shhhhh!
And it's Blue not Red. [emoji41]
Anyone rolling in Thursday?
I only booked the cabins for Friday and Saturday FYI. I'm sure you could get in Thursday if you wanted. Let me know and I'll call Shelly.I'm planning on getting there Thursday night so as to hunt Friday morning
Ya buddy!If this weather holds, some deer are going to die this weekend...
Each party - i.e. all attendees and, comprised of Joe Wilson, Jesse Roush, the members, representatives, and affiliates of - shall be responsible for its own liability arising from its attendance and involvement in this function. WE ARE NOT responsible for any accidents, injuries, or deaths. You are attending this event by your own free will and agree to indemnify and hold harmless for any claim, demand, cost, liability, loss, or damage suffered as a result of attending this function.
(A) Notwithstanding any provisions of rule 1501:41-15-08, of the Administrative Code, no person shall at any time take, hunt, trap, kill, pursue, or shoot at any wildlife and/or wild animals by any means within four hundred feet of any nature trail, picnic area, construction area, state trail, service area, camping area, residence, barn, service building, shelter house, beach, water or sewage treatment facility, backpack trail, latrine, parking lot, cabin, lodge, or other structure or to shoot on, from, or across any road, or driveway within any area administered by the division.
Ya, I'll be deer huntin lolI'm wondering about a wood duck hunt on the lake Saturday AM. I may bring the canoe along as well.
I'll be bringing a big mess of cheesy potatoes.