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Big Holla's Season of Hope!

With my mom getting sick this summer and passing away the end of October I had no idea if and when we would be able to make it out to deer hunt. Work has been very demanding as well so hunting had to be put on the back burner. As we got closer to youth season I mentioned to my son Allen about going down for a quick weekend if he would be willing to give the muzzleloader a try. One Sunday afternoon we pulled it out and after a few lighter loads he was willing to give the heavy load a try. He shot it well and it was just up to me to get him down there to give it a try. Even though no deer were harmed this past weekend Allen and I had a lot of fun together and that was my goal before anything else. Add to that it was my dad's 75th. birthday (today actually) that we were able to celebrate while we were down. Was great to finally get down to see him and even better to hear Allen tell his hunting stories to him.

Saturday morning we went to an old platform blind on the side of a point looking down into the big holla. Guys that hunted here years ago built it and they must have done it right as it's still sturdy and a great view. It started raining as soon as we stepped out of the truck so I had to put the porta-roof up over top of us for most of the morning. Had a good buck and two does sneak up behind us from the top of the ridge and didn't see them in time to get ready for a shot. They then slipped down into the bottom, the does went up the other side and the buck decided to head around the edge of the big holla to the south. We saw one other deer right at first light but lost track of it on the other ridge.



Saturday evening we decided to sit on the edge of a picked cornfield. We had high hopes of seeing a lot of deer but by this time it was windy as hell even though we were in the sheltered part of the field.



We did have a nice 4-point make his way down the edge as we had hoped a big one would do. I was shocked when Allen decided to pass on him as he was within 30 yards at one point. He was sure hoping for something bigger and that was his decision all on his own.


We ended up seeing 5 deer that night, pretty good considering how cold and windy it was getting. Sunday morning we sat in the same blind on the edge of the corn. Ended up seeing so many turkey we couldn't possibly count them. There were two big groups that came in and met up as they headed from the corn into the woods to the west of us. Was fun just watching them chase each other all over the place and all the noise they were making. The four point ended up showing himself about 9:30 but didn't come near close enough to see if Allen would be tempted again.



Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Glad you got to take the boy out. Even better that he showed interest. Sometimes huntin ain't all about the kill.
Might as well update this thing. I seem to have a hard time doing much through my phone on here when down, perhaps the Tapatalk is the answer?? Anyways, we made it down Wednesday before Thanksgiving and were able to have a wonderful dinner Thanksgiving day with my dad and his wife Sheryl. Got to go for a ride and pull all my cameras that had been out since the beginning of April. Not a whole lot to report though, neither kid wanted to hunt mornings at least when I woke them up to go those mornings LOL! We hunted Friday evening and Jenna got to sit in the hot seat. Ended up seeing 11 I believe and had a half a spike chase a doe around in front of us.


Saturday morning Jenna decided not to go (and Allen said he was up too late LOL) so I didn't waste the opportunity and made my first solo sit of the season. I went out to an E/W ridge that I had always wanted to put a stand on and just sat at the base of a tree on a folding stool. Had a doe and two yearlings at first light come down by me and fed for a good half hour on acorns and possibly beech nuts. Ended up within 10 yards of me downwind and never once spooked. Couldn't believe it as I didn't have much cover other than the big oak I sat against and another tree right next to it.



Later that morning I had a young doe come off the ridge behind me and down into the bottom. She made her way directly up behind me as you can see the picture of my spot and hunting stool. Well she walks right up next to me and I'm thinking she will spook at any moment!! I was squinting through my eyes watching her trying to be as still as possible and when she got next to me she stepped towards me and sniffed my freaking knee. I thought all hell was going to break loose at any moment but she just stood there, sniffed 3 good times and then just looked around! As she walks past me I thought man I gotta get a picture of her or no one will believe me LOL!. She kind of heard me moving my phone from my pocket and stopped to take a second look about 5 yards in front of me but allowed me enough time to take a picture of her. Soon she was on her merry way not spooked at all!!!


That one moment was by far the highlight of my season. Man I still smile thinking about that deer doing that!!!
Should add we hunted Saturday night and didn't see a single deer until we were ready to quit for the evening, way out in the cornfield. I picked a different spot that night and was disappointed I put Allen in a Gar Hole LOL! That evening we met up with a couple other old BHO friends from down there up at Shay's in Athens. Man they have some good food!! Was a great weekend and man I cannot wait to get back down again...hopefully yet this year!!


Senior Member
Athens County
Great update!

As for the eats, is shays that place on east state by tractor supply/road house? Haven't ate there yet, but sounds like it's worth checking out

'TAPATALK ' is the answer!!!!
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Great update!

As for the eats, is shays that place on east state by tractor supply/road house? Haven't ate there yet, but sounds like it's worth checking out

'TAPATALK ' is the answer!!!!

Yes, Shay's is over by Taco Bell across from Lowes. Had my first beer in a long long time as well as a mountain of chicken wings. Think we all went home stuffed. Guess I better think about that Tapatalk thing. Bout drained my battery trying to post things from the woods without it. Finally said F-it.