Here is a tale with a sad ending.
Ok I been awake and asleep checking radar it has been pouring rain. About 7 I see that it looks like it will be slacking off so get up go take a poo and about the time I am done I get this picture at 7:16 from trail cam
So jump up wipe my butt, wake up ben and say let's go there is a buck at the corn
We throw on our clothes and out the door we go. We get to the camper he is still eating, so we go to the far end of the camper and I get the shooting stick and deer is still eating
Now a doe has joined him, ben is getting steady as he is trying to shoot standing up.
He pulls and there is a half second delay between cap going off and powder going off
As I watched I didn't think the deer acted like he was hit, he ran up the hill stopped looked back then trotted on up the hill
I listens for him to crash but didn't hear anything. We got in the camper because it started to rain again, I scanned the hill listened and looked.
We waited about an hour in case it was a bad shot and the rain would have washed any blood away. We went down to the spot where the deer was and looked all around and found some corn with what looked like blood that had been absorbed but the corn but never was sure. No blood anywhere else. The rest of the corn didn't have any red like these few pieces did.
Then my son finds this
The bullet missed and was in the ground behind where the deer was.
We walked the hill all over and up and down nothing, even got in the Yukon and drove down the road looking on both sides
This was last picture from cell cam before the shot.
I would say a clean miss, I guess moisture weakened the load and caused the delay. The gun was loaded Monday and never taken inside, never had an issue before.
22 minutes from being on the crapper to taking the shot.
My son is taking it fine, dad not so much, I am sick for him and anything I did that affected it.
He is good about it and understands that a clean miss is better than a bad hit any day. He is already make in the stand ready more than ever to get one.