We finished up our JR High season, but baseball continues! Mason has been practicing for the last couple of weeks with a Pony league team down in the Hillsboro Rec league. I've watched every practice, helped out minimally, and have really enjoyed watching these kids. They have three coaches for this team, and they all seem to be solid baseball folks. I'm relieved about that as that has not always been my experience with rec leagues. I think they have put together a decent team. All of their infielders have played travel ball, and they look pretty solid. Two solid pitchers, and enough others to fill in the gaps. I'm anxious to see how they do once games start on the 15th. I don't see them being dominate, but competitive.
He will also be playing on a 17U team. I know most of the boys on that team, some of which are exceptional players. I think he will learn a lot once they get rolling. They have a later start date as most of those kids are still busy with HS ball.
His pitching has finally popped. Until this spring, he has always been extremely accurate for his age, had better velocity, and good off speed stuff. This year, he hasn't had the magic. He's been tolerable, and our go-to, but just not over-powering. It had really messed with his confidence and he was terribly frustrated. It's that way with anything when you know you have better capability than you are displaying. He has finally got the bugs worked out. It was simple things too, but took us a while and a lot of work on his part to get it back. I'm proud of him for putting in the effort and battling through the "I can't do it anymore" syndrome. Everything is really on track right now, but more importantly, when it slides off the rails again, he will know he can work through it. It's the same with anything in life.
Play ball!