Dad died Monday. Tuesday accounts were opened in his name. Some piece of garbage stole his identity. Part of me wants to beat the snot out of someone. Another part of me (dad's nonconfrontational side) is saying "how pathetic? They will get theirs someday." Maybe I should have posted this in the TOO Good thread. Why? 1) Because my siblings have been dealing with it. 2) because it won't hurt Dad's credit. 3) it has nothing to do with Mom. 4) they have already ID'd 2 cell phone numbers and an email address left. These jokers are not highly trained professionals. They are going to get caught.
A day before my dad passed, the caretaker from hospice got my dad's info (we assumed while he lay in a drug induced stupor with the morphine) and hit the ATM two days in a row for a couple hundred bucks... Bitch had the nerve too show up at the funeral .... Yeah she was shown the door, and promptly arrested for the theft.... People are pieces of shit... Not all but enough to make you very cautious ....
That is the attitude my dad would take. Thank you Dave.You can't save them all, I'll put an extra prayer in for those folks tonight.