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Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

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Dignitary Member
Staff member
LOL all work 100% on laptop.
Fun social media fact. Over 70% of social media traffic today to include forums are from mobile devices. This trend has increased exponentially over the past two years alone and will continue. Users are also extremely hesitant to download random files from crowd sourced platforms as it is a very good way to get viruses. Which is the primary reason why the upload of PDFs, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets Etc are not allowed on the vast majority of social platforms.


Smartest person here
Linn County Iowa
Bawana. Screenshot the information that you would like to post then upload it as a picture. Not many people are going to have dropbox or want to download the app.

Waaaay too many pages in those for screenshots.
I just clicked on them from my PC and they worked fine. Downloaded nothing.
Did not work on my phone though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm not going to shoot the messenger. I'm also not wasting my time downloading or reading through things. Guess I'm part of the problem. I'll just do what I can with the properties I hunt to be a conservationist because I have zero faith in the bureaucracy. Until then, I'm shopping for land in other states to retire and hunt on. Screw Ohio and their practices.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Waaaay too many pages in those for screenshots.
I just clicked on them from my PC and they worked fine. Downloaded nothing.
Did not work on my phone though.

Sigh..... I should not have to tell the "social media" chair of an organisation who purportedly represents our interest the best method by which to share PDF documents on social media platforms.

But since i'm a nice fella. If they are too long to post individual images then there are other options such as scribd or even google drive.

Here is one i uploaded to scribd a moment ago. No account, app, or other BS required. 4 clicks and done.



"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm not going to shoot the messenger. I'm also not wasting my time downloading or reading through things. Guess I'm part of the problem. I'll just do what I can with the properties I hunt to be a conservationist because I have zero faith in the bureaucracy. Until then, I'm shopping for land in other states to retire and hunt on. Screw Ohio and their practices.

In defense of the OP I don't know how to do it either. Besides I can't read it on a smart phone anyway.
Back to the lap top. Works 100%.


This will be my first year not deer hunting in the last 49 straight years. I have lived and hunted through many of the changes that have occurred in this sport over that time. While I will no longer be hunting deer in a foreseeable future, maybe ever, I sincerely hope that deer hunting can continue for many more generations to enjoy. I have no love for much of what deer hunting has come to mean to many, especially the commercialization aspect so prevalent today. Many of the younger hunters today have never known deer hunting to be anything other than what it is today and older folks are at a loss to explain to them in words what it was to them in spirit and mind in a different time.

In my opinion deer hunters today, as a whole, are a very spoiled, self entitled, group of perpetual whiners that only seem to care about their own interests and provide little room for the consideration of anyone that doesn't align with their own beliefs. I think that there are many members here that clearly have helped me to the formulation of my opinion. I have for many years witnessed here the bombastic rhetoric and indignation expressed towards so many fellow hunters and hunter organizations that dare to express an opposing opinion. I personally have been the target on more than one occasion for merely providing an opinion in opposition.

How many times have I read here that there was going to be an organized effort to contribute to change, to combat the evil managers of the deer herd, to rally the troops for a unified voice of strength? Nothing has happened that I can see, just angry talk with no action at all.

Then along comes a group that apparently is trying to actually do something, anything. Maybe not a perfect group. maybe not even a good group, I don't know, but to read the responses reminded me of a new thread that was started here late last year and the post that I made in response.


I'm sure everyone here are great guys, I have no personal animosity towards any of you., You certainly possess great passion for your beliefs and that is to be admired. I am also equally as sure that unless you can channel your passion into a positive force and learn to recognize the passion of others with differing views and compromise you will never realize your goals. It's easy to stand on the sideline and yell, It is much, much harder to actually play the game.

Just my opinion.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
How many times have I read here that there was going to be an organized effort to contribute to change, to combat the evil managers of the deer herd, to rally the troops for a unified voice of strength? Nothing has happened that I can see, just angry talk with no action at all.

Then along comes a group that apparently is trying to actually do something, anything. Maybe not a perfect group. maybe not even a good group, I don't know, but to read the responses reminded me of a new thread that was started here late last year and the post that I made in response.


Just my opinion.

You do however realize that the current group was thrown together not long after we posted and started moving towards creating the exact same thing right. What better way to prevent us from doing that and leading the conversation than to hastily create the exact thing we were discussing. Deer management in Ohio has come a long way from 8 years ago with bogus stats, misleading information, outright lies, and charging headlong into a decimation agenda. I challenge you to find a single organisation or group that has put the time, energy, and determination into exposing that than we have over the past 8 years. I can't think of a single one. Nobody. Our name isn't at the top of the page, however the progress made from where we once sat to today, to include the stakeholder group that we were purposefully left out of, i can guarantee you would not exist without our continued and unrelenting focus on the topic. Since September of 2008 TOO has seen over 16 million page views and over 750,000 unique visitors from Ohio alone. Yelling from the sideline can and does accomplish quite a bit as we can see. Sometimes the tail wags the dog, even if it isnt given credit for it.

The only mistake we made with this was discussing it in public before having it complete. Have no fear though buddy. We learn from our mistakes. One of the good things about a group like this is it forces people to put their position on the table. Positions people can examine for themselves and then align themselves with whoever has their best interest at heart. Things are in motion. All in due time buddy.


Junior Member
Central Ohio

First, thank you for sharing this information. I know you've been given some grief for failing to appease the audience. You made it available. It should be on them if they want to access it or not. Again, thank you.

Second, I went through this information. It feels a LOT like paralysis through analysis. It's as if they said, "We're going to bury them with a metric ton of data so that when they are done, they won't know up from down."

Third, the compilation of license sales gives a high volume of "license" data and little to no data for tags. Give me the tag sales numbers. I'd love to see charts representing the sale of "all types available" deer tags from the past 30 years. I have a feeling that data will have a compelling story to tell. Oh, but they don't want that story told. Same with deer/vehicle collision data. They really don't want that story told.

That's another thing about all this. It feels as though it has a narrative. Sort of, look at us and how thorough we are. We've been doing such a wonderful and thorough job and look at how justified we've been as we incorporated all this data. Yet, they leave out important details, the ones that don't support the narrative that they are telling everyone.

Again, thank you for sharing this information. I look forward to more, but I kind of know what to expect. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Solid posts Lundy and CG. I like it. If deer hunters want to be represented accurately, it is necessary to hold their feet to the fire. However, while there is a need for some noise to gain attention, my fear is they are paying zero attention to you Joe. Thank you Joe for getting their attention. I hope they are hearing you, but I'm not sure they are. Thank you CG for analyzing and asking specific questions. We all want similar things. We all fear our future deer hunting. I don't think I am as passionate as you guys. I don't want to put in the effort when I don't feel there will be any change in results. I am not fighting. I'm looking for out of state land. Can't beat them? Take your dollars elsewhere. That is my thought.
I should have went to college. The links work for me on my desktop computer, but the info provided made little to no sense. Only thing I gathered was that less licenses are being sold, due in part to us all sitting in front of these little screens.

I'm not sure if anything will change, I'm a bit doubtful, but only time will tell. I figure I'll be hunting at most another 10 years or so. I'll do my best to enjoy it the best I can.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Solid posts Lundy and CG. I like it. If deer hunters want to be represented accurately, it is necessary to hold their feet to the fire. However, while there is a need for some noise to gain attention, my fear is they are paying zero attention to you Joe. Thank you Joe for getting their attention. I hope they are hearing you, but I'm not sure they are. Thank you CG for analyzing and asking specific questions. We all want similar things. We all fear our future deer hunting. I don't think I am as passionate as you guys. I don't want to put in the effort when I don't feel there will be any change in results. I am not fighting. I'm looking for out of state land. Can't beat them? Take your dollars elsewhere. That is my thought.

Phil I agree with you on the Lundy and CG posts.
But there are great hunting areas in Ohio. It's only where you are.
In the past 5 weeks I had to make 4 trips up North to the Lima, Ottawa, Leipsic areas. I see the wide open spaces and understand why there are few deer there as there is just no where to hide out in good cover.
Down here in SW Ohio there is almost 50% brush gullies areas in most areas. Since we are heavy populated most of the building lots are 5 ac by code. Add the brushy areas and deer have a lot of good cover. Plus it appears most of the population don't hunt so the deer are not bothered much.
All this being said I feel we have healthy deer numbers and growing in SW Ohio. IMHO
Being able to put in some good food plots and my deer sightings have increased 5 times plus.

So I feel it boils down to where you are located in Ohio for good or bad deer numbers.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I should have went to college. The links work for me on my desktop computer, but the info provided made little to no sense. Only thing I gathered was that less licenses are being sold, due in part to us all sitting in front of these little screens.

I'm not sure if anything will change, I'm a bit doubtful, but only time will tell. I figure I'll be hunting at most another 10 years or so. I'll do my best to enjoy it the best I can.

I agree as I didn't get a whole lot of info out of the links either.
Will hunting license sales go back up? I would say NO due to younger generation interest in social media and not the boring outdoors.
I'm like you and hopefully have another 10 years of hunting left. Since I started out 52 years ago with ZERO deer to hunt to the present good numbers deer hunting in Ohio it's damn good hunting now. Is it as good as it was 8-10 yrs ago then no? But the present deer numbers and hunting overall is damn good compared to near ZERO it was back in the old days.
Make the best of it as it's all we got. Hope for it to get better but the odds are against us as the ones in control want lower deer numbers.
Oh sure it's not what most want.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Frank, you have clearly stated time and time before how you created what you have. Not the state. Your argument here is invalid to me because of this. The state or its refs did nothing, you did it.

Live steaming or recording these meetings would sure help clear up a lot of this. Currently this seems more like entertainment/circus act. I feel bad for Brent on this...they haven't exactly put him in a spot to be successful IMO.
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