This will be my first year not deer hunting in the last 49 straight years. I have lived and hunted through many of the changes that have occurred in this sport over that time. While I will no longer be hunting deer in a foreseeable future, maybe ever, I sincerely hope that deer hunting can continue for many more generations to enjoy. I have no love for much of what deer hunting has come to mean to many, especially the commercialization aspect so prevalent today. Many of the younger hunters today have never known deer hunting to be anything other than what it is today and older folks are at a loss to explain to them in words what it was to them in spirit and mind in a different time.
In my opinion deer hunters today, as a whole, are a very spoiled, self entitled, group of perpetual whiners that only seem to care about their own interests and provide little room for the consideration of anyone that doesn't align with their own beliefs. I think that there are many members here that clearly have helped me to the formulation of my opinion. I have for many years witnessed here the bombastic rhetoric and indignation expressed towards so many fellow hunters and hunter organizations that dare to express an opposing opinion. I personally have been the target on more than one occasion for merely providing an opinion in opposition.
How many times have I read here that there was going to be an organized effort to contribute to change, to combat the evil managers of the deer herd, to rally the troops for a unified voice of strength? Nothing has happened that I can see, just angry talk with no action at all.
Then along comes a group that apparently is trying to actually do something, anything. Maybe not a perfect group. maybe not even a good group, I don't know, but to read the responses reminded me of a new thread that was started here late last year and the post that I made in response.
I'm sure everyone here are great guys, I have no personal animosity towards any of you., You certainly possess great passion for your beliefs and that is to be admired. I am also equally as sure that unless you can channel your passion into a positive force and learn to recognize the passion of others with differing views and compromise you will never realize your goals. It's easy to stand on the sideline and yell, It is much, much harder to actually play the game.
Just my opinion.