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Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

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Senior Member
Hudson, OH
While i can't speak for other sites i can say that on TOO we've discussed the removal of does as part of our contest. The general consensus ended up being that if you've been around here any length of time you're likely pretty well educated on the population issue and should make the call for yourself in the area you hunt. To participate in our contest you need 50 posts and we don't have a large population of less experianced members who ask questions such as "do deer eat black walnuts" like some other places deal with on a daily basis. We also discussed adding prizes and decided against it as we wouldnt want to tempt someone to overharvest just to win a prize. While our contest allows for the scoring of a doe we've always advised people to use common sense for their area.

I'll add that at one time, like other sites, the contest allowed 1 buck and up to 2 more doe. We quickly dropped that to a two deer max. Additionally, our contest has always enabled out of state deer, not placing a focus on just Ohio deer.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Well with most it the 'I want to win' concept. Besides a mature deer only puts about 50-70 lbs of meat in the freezer. That amount to about 1-1.5 lbs of meat per week. Not much really.

I'm in them for the smack talking and good old ribbing. Virtual campfire as it has been put. I don't care about winning anything, that goes against every reason I hunt.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
So you guys think Ohio ODNR does a shitty job managing the deer herd??? Check out this link to some of N.J.'s bag limits for deer... These idiots are totally clueless.. They started trying to reduce the deer herd here since 1988 when they started extra doe days in January... Been going on since... Last few years hunters are complaining about seeing no deer... So in one zone they reduced the bag limit to NINE DOES... REALLY???? Who the hell needs nine deer???? Some zones are unlimitless... Hey its been said on here by me and others... In the end... WHO PULL'S THE TRIGGER??? SO WHO REALLY IS THE BLAME??? I know one thing... I can sleep at night knowing that I'm not at blame... I'm pushing 67 and have NEVER, I repeat NEVER SHOT A DOE...

Heres the link... http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/njregs.htm#hunting
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Back when we started screaming about this 99% of people said we were nuts, then they blamed their neighbors new feeder for the lack of deer sightings as they were "all over there", they blamed that guy down the road who was leasing and planted food plots for "holding all the deer". What you claim is a lack of results is anything but. I ask you, over the last 8 years what other group have you seen screaming about this? Ohio bowhunters association? US Sportsmans alliance? Whitetails Unlimited? The only, and I mean ONLY group to bang this war drum for 8 years and take the fight directly where it belongs has been TOO. And like I said earlier. With over 16 million views and 750k unique ohio visitors over that time, it's bound to have influenced public opinion and knowledge on the matter. Sometimes buddy the tail wags the dog, and i don't need to sit across the table from the DNR or have our name in a press release to see proof that its working. We may not be at that table, but there is a table none the less, and i can assure you it was not created due to the silence on the topic from other groups over the years.

Some times we are a loud and powerful voice in a very small arena and believe our reach of message is far greater than it actually is. You have twice referenced the page views and unique visitors since 2008 as as evidence of a powerful beam of change and enlightenment to the masses. As a founder and former owner of a fishing website in Ohio that has more pages views and unique visitors the last 12 months than what you cite since 2008 I can tell you that we sometimes over estimate our ability to educate and influence.

I really hesitated to go here because you are so determined in your ways. You believe you have had an impact towards your objective. Good for you, keep at it as you have, I wish you well.

Just my opinion and I will going forward try not to interject it again on this subject.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
As i said. The change that we have seen in mass public opinion and DNR tactics could not have been influenced from anywhere else. Not a single organization has ever even lifted a finger towards the issue beside TOO. That is undeniable. You personally don't have to believe it, I will say that over the years i have seen the majority who once shared your unyielding favorable opinion of the DNR turn to that of the minority.

As for that other website. I assume you mean OGF. A completely different target market, our bread and butter is hunters, theirs are fishermen. There are 2x the license fishermen in ohio than hunters. Our hunting section puts up more posts in a day than theirs does in a month. Likewise their fishing forum puts up way more than ours. We could get down to the brass tacks of traffic generation from target audiences but its a pretty boring subject in reality. I will say that when Mike shutdown walleye run he offered us the content and name, i thought about it but grqciously declined, just not our thing.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So are you actually advocating anything for hunters or just existing to spread DOW propaganda? The reason i ask is because your first meeting was at the beginning of May, almost 4 months ago now, and i have yet to see you state what YOUR objective is, what issues YOU are personally driving for hunters, or any type of status update for the concerns raised here for what YOU as the social media rep are doing to drive the concerns of the social media world. So far all i have seen is you posting DOW prepared documents and defending said documents.

I've yet to see anything i would consider advocacy or beneficial to us here. Nothing with regard to the current agenda, direction of issues, stances of included parties, who is advocating what, who is winning to get their agenda across, the results of you taking our issues to the floor, etc. Nothing. Just the continual posting of DOW propaganda.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Huh, I'm still a low rung on the ladder because I will shoot the first deer I see and try to fill every tag legally possible. As I have always said before, that's the reason i hunt, to fill my freezer. We don't buy meat at the store and are feeding 5 mouths. Do I like killing bucks, you bet, but I can count all of them that I have on 1 hand in 21yrs of time in the field. We can't eat their antlers and I could give 2 shits if Tommy Tough-nuts shot a 200"r and thinks he is king shit. I will simply admire that animal and congratulate him on his success.

Tradition? It's going hunting with your family and friends to fill tags, enjoy each others company and the time in the field. I grew up at deer camp in the Allegheny National Forest, watched the game commission ruin the herd with liberal tag limits and the same is happening here by the ODNR. With 3 boys, I am scared to death they will have no interest due to no opportunity (herd or access). I pay taxes and buy licenses and tags for an organization to have their shit together to protect the interests of the sportsman and herd health. Not special interest groups. When asked tonight by his mother for pre-k homework, "What is your favorite thing to do?", my 4yr old said "go in the woods with my dad and find deers." I PRAY TO GOD that the ODNR understands what tradition means because that was what hunting was built on.

Joe, don't you go trying to steal my speed limit analogy.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hahaha. Tommy Toughnuts. I like it.

I think I stand in between you and Joe, 5cent. I won't fill all my tags. I won't scream from the rooftops. I feel we all share a similar fear: there is an issue and we as hunters are being ignored.

I don't know Brent. I know i don't envy his position. "Hey Bawana. We need you to be social media dude. We are going to feed you a bunch of crap, tie your hands, and feed you to the wolves. Thanks for taking one for the team bud. Sincerely, The Lobbyists. . . .err. . . .ahhh. . .I mean, the ODNR."


Usually these type roles are given to acquire data from a particular group (in this case social media users). The way to do that is ask questions not answer them. I'm sure there is some freedom to answer questions but as a member of multiple boards/commissions I would never make statements unless permitted by the group. That's why my groups like this designate a spokesman. The job is to collect not provide feedback.

I borrowed that quote from that "other site"
I am the social media representative. I am not trying to steer anyone's view in any particular direction as some are trying to do.
As Lundy said "Some times we are a loud and powerful voice in a very small arena and believe our reach of message is far greater than it actually is." Your claim to being the most active site is hard to believe when that other site has more posts on this topic than yours does, worse yet over half the posts on this topic on this site comes from only 7 posters.
As I've said before I'm a social media representative, not some social media guru. I have and will continue to listen to all involved and present their points of view......even yours Jack.


Junior Member
Usually these type roles are given to acquire data from a particular group (in this case social media users). The way to do that is ask questions not answer them. I'm sure there is some freedom to answer questions but as a member of multiple boards/commissions I would never make statements unless permitted by the group. That's why my groups like this designate a spokesman. The job is to collect not provide feedback.

I borrowed that quote from that "other site"
I am the social media representative. I am not trying to steer anyone's view in any particular direction as some are trying to do.
As Lundy said "Some times we are a loud and powerful voice in a very small arena and believe our reach of message is far greater than it actually is." Your claim to being the most active site is hard to believe when that other site has more posts on this topic than yours does, worse yet over half the posts on this topic on this site comes from only 7 posters.
As I've said before I'm a social media representative, not some social media guru. I have and will continue to listen to all involved and present their points of view......even yours Jack.

After reading the preceding quote, the main problem that I have with the response, is that I still don't know what position you are representing. Since you state that you are a member of "multiple boards/commissions" you clearly understand that a board member has a fiduciary responsibility to represent the interests of the "group" that they serve. In this instance, it is a little "sticky" compared to Legal Boards in that for a public/private company that has shareholders, the position is voted on by the group that they represent (which is clearly not the case in this instance). With all that said, I think that your responsibility is a little more than you cover in your preceding response......your job is to represent our interests. If your job is to not "steer anyone's view in any particular direction", then what is it? I too have been involved in many "legal boards" and I have held the belief that it was my fiduciary responsibility to be the "voice" of the stakeholders that I represent "in the room", and unfortunately many times this included steering other peoples opinion in a particular direction that was different than those that I represented. Anything less would have been a waste of my time and a disserve to those that I represented.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Usually these type roles are given to acquire data from a particular group (in this case social media users). The way to do that is ask questions not answer them. I'm sure there is some freedom to answer questions but as a member of multiple boards/commissions I would never make statements unless permitted by the group. That's why my groups like this designate a spokesman. The job is to collect not provide feedback.

I borrowed that quote from that "other site"
I am the social media representative. I am not trying to steer anyone's view in any particular direction as some are trying to do.
As Lundy said "Some times we are a loud and powerful voice in a very small arena and believe our reach of message is far greater than it actually is." Your claim to being the most active site is hard to believe when that other site has more posts on this topic than yours does, worse yet over half the posts on this topic on this site comes from only 7 posters.
As I've said before I'm a social media representative, not some social media guru. I have and will continue to listen to all involved and present their points of view......even yours Jack.
So from what I've seen thus far, and your explanation above, you're role is nothing more than to take what we say and come back with DNR talking points against it. No advocacy for our issues, no update of results for our concerns, just a DNR messenger. Im not sure if you're aware but that is not the job of a "stakeholder" who is supposed to be advocating for us the social media world, that is nothing more than using social media as a PR tool to help get their version of their message out.

Brent I honestly like you and have never seen a negative thing about you. Please keep in mind my angst around this is focused towards the stakeholder group and the position, not you personally.

The Department of Natural Resources knows exactly where the vast majority of hunters and the social media World stands on this topic. They don't need you to ask questions then tell them. They have ignored it and tried to not listen to it for eight years while they decimated our deer population to the benefit of special interest. It only takes one glance at the comments on there own Facebook page to see that. With that said, if your only responsibility is to listen to what we say, but yet bear no responsibility to advocate or fight for our position, then I see zero benefit in continuing this discussion. We're looking for action, not a reporter.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Your claim to being the most active site is hard to believe when that other site has more posts on this topic than yours does, worse yet over half the posts on this topic on this site comes from 7 posters.

You don't have to believe it buddy. I know it.

Total site posts from 7/6/16 to 7/6/17
(1 year)

"That other site"
26,583 total

82,153 total

What's that, over 3x more active?

For this individual topic. That's probably because we have talked about it on this site for the past 8 years until we're blue in the face and most don't really see this stakeholder thing as any more than a big do nothing machine.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
How do you make judgement or justification on one thread? Is this one thread the place we need to vent our concerns? This place is filled will info people have, it isn't all in this one thread. Unlike other places, people generally say what they want and move one, not just moving the same conversation from thread to thread. Maybe there's a reason people leave the other place to come have actual conversations over here. Not just read the same thing over and over.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I can't speak of the other place because I've only seen it a couple times, was never a member. But I can tell you that this topic has been discussed here more times than I can count.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
You don't have to believe it buddy. I know it.

Total site posts from 7/6/16 to 7/6/17
(1 year)

"That other site"
26,583 total

82,153 total

What's that, over 3x more active?

For this individual topic. That's probably because we have talked about it on this site for the past 8 years until we're blue in the face and most don't really see this stakeholder thing as any more than a big do nothing machine.

That's exactly why I stopped. Tired of talking into deaf ears....:smiley_coolpeace:


Just reading a couple pages of this makes me think it's going to be pretty damn hard to get a big group of deer hunters to agree on anything. Good luck to everyone involved, you're gonna need it.

This is from your own site, a few pages ago. Since you've been beating this dead horse for about 9 years everyone should know your position, yet there is massive differences on this site and others as to what the main problems are facing us today. Jack you'll say low numbers, Others scream about access, others about the state of our public grounds, and some are more concerned about diseases. I've tried and will continue to follow this site as well as several others and several facebook pages to try to get a feel for where each issue or concern stands among the masses.
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