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Las Vegas Shooting


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jackalope and Quantum said it well. I also like to check surroundings, scan rooms in large areas, etc. Never like to have my back to the door. Sit where I an see majority of room. It is a start. Never knowhow I'd handle it if in that situation. Even at church I scan surroundings and watch people entering and exiting. I have a family to protect.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I watched one interview of a young couple the morning it happened and the girl infatically said there had to be a shooter on the ground as people were getting shot while being out of view of the shooter. She also mentioned that they heard shots that sounded like they were coming from nearby on the ground. She was pretty certain anyway. They both had blood on them but said it was from people nearby during the mayhem.
You can hear what sounds like multiple shooters in the videos on the ground However its all the same shooter. You can hear the report of the rifle in the distance and echos of that report. What she may be mistaking with the sound of another shooter is the crack of the rounds hitting hard objects like pavement and the smack/thud sound of them hitting soft targets. To someone who doesn't know what incomming indirect fire sounds like they could easily confuse those cracks with another shooter. Bullets also make a loud crack/snap sound as they pass by you which is actually a mini sonic boom. If you listen to the video you'll hear it, sounds like a 209 primer popping.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ill spare yall of the picture of him after eating a bullet. FB_IMG_1507086029653.jpgFB_IMG_1507085990368.jpgFB_IMG_1507085966371.jpgFB_IMG_1507085956927.jpgFB_IMG_1507085951472.jpg


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If you're gonna have a stack of high capacity mags like that, why take 23 different guns? Those pictures, to me, look like something out of a liberal scare tactics for dummies handbook. Smells fishy to me.


Junior Member
If you're gonna have a stack of high capacity mags like that, why take 23 different guns? Those pictures, to me, look like something out of a liberal scare tactics for dummies handbook. Smells fishy to me.
My thoughts exactly. Everything liberals hate neatly arranged in the picture.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
My thoughts exactly. Everything liberals hate neatly arranged in the picture.
Who knows. They look like 100rd surefire mags which run about $170 each. . Why are they stacked on the floor and not on that little table and closer to the firing position? Why is there a 308 mag laying next to a 223. Why buy daniel defense at $1700+ a pop when a colt works the same? Why did he put a bipod and bump stock on a gun?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Who knows. They look like 100rd surefire mags which run about $170 each. . Why are they stacked on the floor and not on that little table and closer to the firing position? Why is there a 308 mag laying next to a 223. Why buy daniel defense at $1700+ a pop when a colt works the same? Why did he put a bipod and bump stock on a gun?
Exactly. I thought the same fuggin thing when I saw that DD laying there. I mean, the dude apparently had money, with the gambling and multiple homes and whatnot, but shit... None of that makes sense to me in the pictures. If you've got that kind of money, and you went through the amount of effort he did to plan this thing out, you wouldn't fuck around with bump-fire stocks.... You'd find a guy who knows a guy who has a buddy that deals full automatic firearms.
Answer to the questions......everything they want made illegal.
Sure seems awfully convenient...


Senior Member
Athens County
Why in the fugg did dude bring 23 guns to his hotel room is right?

Makes zero sense. That was a lot more trips/bags to haul. Unnecessary risk. That's never going to line up and make sense.

That being said, that is the ONE fact that is being hammered home by every media outlet/article/report/other 'framing' bullshit. The '23' guns.... over and over and over again

Argh...... smells like ass


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Excellent points made. In the eyes of liberals who don't understand these points you just made. . . You all look like this psycho.

In their eyes, if we have this knowledge and understanding, we are all like the shooter. They paint us all alike. Ignorance at its finest.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The other thing I thought of last night is it is surprising how consistent the firing rate was in the videos. Everyone I've ever seen shooting a bump stock has had trouble "keeping it going." Perhaps this guy had a shit ton of practice. But it's pretty remarkable he could keep up a consistent rate of fire, magazine to magazine, under that kind of stress and adrenaline rush.


Staff member
I read a great post from a vet on FB last night that made a great case for this being a total setup from the left to get a bunch of stuff banned. Basic gist was there's no way this dude acted alone both in planning and firing weapons. He went on to say it was entirely too sophisticated a plan, executed too perfectly and for him to maintain the rate of fire with the bump stocks like he did was next level shit. My novice civilian brain tends to agree. Besides, what's the death of 59 "Trumptards" if you're successful in disarming the people you want to control?!? After all, their chosen one killed more civilians with drones than any man on the planet and it was dismissed as "collateral damage".
I'm sure I'll get flack for saying this. But, IMO guns such as AR-15's, AK's and SK's should not be in the hands of the general public. Lets be honest. These guns are made to kill people, not game animals. I'm not a fan of them and won't own one. And don't try to tell me that my Remington 552 Speedmaster .22 falls into the same category.