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2017 Rut Report. County, Conditions.


Junior Member
So i've been hunting for 9 years, and have really never seen RUT behavior. Always hear about Bucks chasing and crazy stuff... was starting to think it was just a joke being played on me. Until Saturday. Belmont county - had seen some deer, including a nice buck atop the ridge and out of range about mid day. As light faded, I started my dejected climb down in my climber stand. By the time I got all my stuff lowered and started to ratchet down, it was nearly dark. I was about 7 ft. from the ground when I heard what sounded like a train coming through the woods. Two deer. I could only make out shadows, but one was much bigger than the other. A game of chase was going on all around me. The noise of the dried leaves told me every zig and zag they made. I could hear it, better than I could see it. I was not quiet as climbed down, but that didn't bother this couple. He was grunting while he was running. I couldn't believe this.... I could have started yelling and I don't think they would have stopped. They circled my tree getting as close as about 20 yds. I paused my climb, just to listen and watch. Just too dark to make out how good the buck was. After about 4 minutes of this - she took off and he followed. Another day skunked, but another great new experience in the deer woods for me! I can now say I have witnessed ( Kinda) the craziness of the rut I have always heard about. My quest to fill a tag this year continues, but I keep adding to the memorable hunt category. So... as of Saturday in Belmont County.... I would say the rut was in full swing!
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Senior Member
Athens County
So i've been hunting for 9 years, and have really never seen RUT behavior. Always hear about Bucks chasing and crazy stuff... was starting to think it was just a joke being played on me. Until Saturday. Belmont county - had seen some deer, including a nice buck atop the ridge and out of range about mid day. As light faded, I started my dejected climb down in my climber stand. By the time I got all my stuff lowered and started to ratchet down, it was nearly dark. I was about 7 ft. from the ground when I heard what sounded like a train coming through the woods. Two deer. I could only make out shadows, but one was much bigger than the other. A game of chase was going on all around me. The noise of the dried leaves told me every zig and zag they made. I could hear it, better than I could see it. I was not quiet as climbed down, but that didn't bother this couple. He was grunting while he was running. I couldn't believe this.... I could have started yelling and I don't think they would have stopped. They circled my tree getting as close as about 20 yds. I paused my climb, just to listen and watch. Just too dark to make out how good the buck was. After about 4 minutes of this - she took off and he followed. Another day skunked, but another great new experience in the deer woods for me! I can now say I have witnessed ( Kinda) the craziness of the rut I have always heard about. My quest to fill a tag this year continues, but I keep adding to the memorable hunt category. So... as of Saturday in Belmont County.... I would say the rut was in full swing!

That's what it's all about!

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Several years ago I was sitting in the blind, it got dark and heard some movement so I just sat there. Next thing I knew two bucks where going at it 10 yards from me, racks crashing, snorting, wheezing, hitting the ground, I couldn’t see a thing but it was an awesome experience for sure.


Junior Member
Several years ago I was sitting in the blind, it got dark and heard some movement so I just sat there. Next thing I knew two bucks where going at it 10 yards from me, racks crashing, snorting, wheezing, hitting the ground, I couldn’t see a thing but it was an awesome experience for sure.

Very cool.... I'm finding that these "moments" are nearly as memorable as a good harvest. They just don't taste as good!


Junior Member
Saw a buck following two does and he was coming straight for my stand this morning. Does got nervous and ran off with him following. Not 15 min later he’s back coming towards me and the doe can call. But he turned around still out of range. A cool encounter definitely